MeSH Review:
- Sequence analysis of HindIII Q2 fragment of capripoxvirus reveals a putative gene encoding a G-protein-coupled chemokine receptor homologue. Cao, J.X., Gershon, P.D., Black, D.N. Virology (1995)
- Identification and nucleotide sequence of the thymidine kinase gene of swinepox virus. Schnitzlein, W.M., Tripathy, D.N. Virology (1991)
- A capripoxvirus detection PCR and antibody ELISA based on the major antigen P32, the homolog of the vaccinia virus H3L gene. Heine, H.G., Stevens, M.P., Foord, A.J., Boyle, D.B. J. Immunol. Methods (1999)
- Use of a recombinant antigen in an indirect ELISA for detecting bovine antibody to capripoxvirus. Carn, V.M., Kitching, R.P., Hammond, J.M., Chand, P. J. Virol. Methods (1994)
- Detection of sheep poxvirus in skin biopsy samples by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Markoulatos, P., Mangana-Vougiouka, O., Koptopoulos, G., Nomikou, K., Papadopoulos, O. J. Virol. Methods (2000)
- Effect of cyclophosphamide on immune response of sheep against attenuated sheep pox virus. Prasad, G., Garg, S.K., Singh, I.P. Indian J. Exp. Biol. (1986)
- Structural proteins of sheep pox virus : analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Chakrabarty, A.K., Pandey, R., Sharma, V.K. Indian journal of pathology & microbiology. (1978)
- Detection of sheep pox virus multiplication in sheep thyroid cells by acridine orange staining. Sarma, B.J., Sambamurti, B. Indian J. Exp. Biol. (1977)
- Propagation of goat-pox virus in monolayer cultures of embryonic caprine lung. Dubey, S.C., Sawhney, A.N. Indian J. Exp. Biol. (1975)
- The nucleotide sequence around the capripoxvirus thymidine kinase gene reveals a gene shared specifically with leporipoxvirus. Gershon, P.D., Black, D.N. J. Gen. Virol. (1989)