MeSH Review:
Communicable Diseases, Emerging
- Parvovirus B19 infection--an emerging infectious disease? Rahav, G. Isr. Med. Assoc. J. (2002)
- Combining the benefits of decision science and financial analysis in public health management: a county-specific budgeting and planning model. Fos, P.J., Miller, D.L., Amy, B.W., Zuniga, M.A. Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP. (2004)
- Stigmatization of newly emerging infectious diseases: AIDS and SARS. Des Jarlais, D.C., Galea, S., Tracy, M., Tross, S., Vlahov, D. American journal of public health. (2006)
- Research on infectious diseases requires better coordination. Ridley, R.G. Nat. Med. (2004)
- Conference on "Emerging Infectious Diseases: Meeting the Challenge". Hughes, J.M. Emerging Infect. Dis. (1995)
- A deficient public health system as a contributing cause of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in mainland China. Qin, L., Jeng, H., Rakue, Y., Mizota, T. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health (2005)
- Emerging infectious diseases in Alaska and the Arctic: a review and a strategy for the 21st century. Butler, J.C., Parkinson, A.J., Funk, E., Beller, M., Hayes, G., Hughes, J.M. Alaska medicine. (1999)
- Emerging infectious diseases and dentistry. Part One. Rhodus, N.L. Northwest dentistry. (1997)
- From genome to drug lead: identification of a small-molecule inhibitor of the SARS virus. Dooley, A.J., Shindo, N., Taggart, B., Park, J.G., Pang, Y.P. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. (2006)