MeSH Review:
Ethics, Research
- Ethical issues in genetic testing for Alzheimer's disease: lessons from Huntington's disease. Burgess, M.M. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. (1994)
- Metformin reduces C-reactive protein but not complement factor C3 in overweight patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Carter, A.M., Bennett, C.E., Bostock, J.A., Grant, P.J. Diabet. Med. (2005)
- Use of G-CSF to mobilise PBSC in normal healthy donors--an international survey. Cleaver, S.A., Goldman, J.M. Bone Marrow Transplant. (1998)
- Full-spectrum proxy consent for research participation when persons with Alzheimer disease lose decisional capacities: research ethics and the common good. Post, S.G. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. (2003)
- Teaching scientific integrity and research ethics. Sponholz, G. Forensic Sci. Int. (2000)
- Experience of gene therapy in the United Kingdom. Nevin, N.C. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (1998)
- Applying a research ethics committee approach to a medical practice controversy: the case of the selective COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib. James, M.J., Cleland, L.G. Journal of medical ethics. (2004)
- Clinical trials and legal jeopardy. Healy, D. Bulletin of medical ethics. (1999)
- Adjuvant treatment with tamoxifen. Local research ethics committees should review their approval of prevention trial. Read, C. BMJ (1996)
- The reform of UK research ethics committees: throwing the baby out with the bath water? Kerrison, S., Pollock, A.M. Journal of medical ethics. (2005)
- Nutritional characteristics of people with impaired mental capacity from a nationally representative survey of British people aged 65 years and over. Bates, C.J., Prentice, A., Finch, S. The journal of nutrition, health & aging. (2004)
- Research ethics. Part 3: risk associated with researcher access to clinical records. Oberst, M.T. Cancer nursing. (1980)
- Introducing "ERIC", a living research ethics database. Davies, H.T., Wiseman, T. Journal of medical ethics. (2003)
- Rejecting, revitalizing, and reclaiming: First Nations work to set the direction of research and policy development. Ten Fingers, K. Canadian journal of public health. Revue canadienne de santé publique. (2005)
- Research ethics in Internet-enabled research: human subjects issues and methodological myopia. Walther, J.B. Ethics and information technology. (2002)
- New governance arrangements for research ethics committees: is facilitating research achieved at the cost of participants' interest. Cave, E., Holm, S. Journal of medical ethics. (2002)