Gene Review:
MKX - mohawk homeobox
Homo sapiens
C10orf48, Homeobox protein Mohawk, IFRX, IRXL1, MGC39616
- Energy expenditure and body fat distribution in Mohawk children. Goran, M.I., Kaskoun, M., Johnson, R., Martinez, C., Kelly, B., Hood, V. Pediatrics (1995)
- Determinants of resting energy expenditure in young children. Goran, M.I., Kaskoun, M., Johnson, R. J. Pediatr. (1994)
- Diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis: returning research results to the Mohawk community. Montour, L.T., Macaulay, A.C. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne. (1988)
- Anthropometric characteristics of Mohawk children aged 6 to 11 years: a population perspective. Potvin, L., Desrosiers, S., Trifonopoulos, M., Leduc, N., Rivard, M., Macaulay, A.C., Paradis, G. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. (1999)
- The Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project: intervention, evaluation, and baseline results of a diabetes primary prevention program with a native community in Canada. Macaulay, A.C., Paradis, G., Potvin, L., Cross, E.J., Saad-Haddad, C., McComber, A., Desrosiers, S., Kirby, R., Montour, L.T., Lamping, D.L., Leduc, N., Rivard, M. Preventive medicine. (1997)
- Food preferences predict eating behavior of very young Mohawk children. Harvey-Berino, J., Hood, V., Rourke, J., Terrance, T., Dorwaldt, A., Secker-Walker, R. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. (1997)
- Community governance of the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project, Kahnawake Territory, Mohawk Nation, Canada. Cargo, M., Lévesque, L., Macaulay, A.C., McComber, A., Desrosiers, S., Delormier, T., Potvin, L. Health promotion international. (2003)
- PCB exposure and in vivo CYP1A2 activity among Native Americans. Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A., Lambert, G., Gomez, M., Tarbell, A. Environ. Health Perspect. (2005)
- Organochlorines, lead, and mercury in Akwesasne Mohawk youth. Schell, L.M., Hubicki, L.A., DeCaprio, A.P., Gallo, M.V., Ravenscroft, J., Tarbell, A., Jacobs, A., David, D., Worswick, P. Environ. Health Perspect. (2003)
- Fish consumption and breast milk PCB concentrations among Mohawk women at Akwesasne. Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A., Bush, B., Cook, K., Worswick, P. Am. J. Epidemiol. (1998)
- In silico characterization of an Iroquois family-related homeodomain protein. Weinmann, A., Galle, P.R., Teufel, A. Int. J. Mol. Med. (2005)
- Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene (DDE) exposure among Native American men from contaminated Great Lakes fish and wildlife. Fitzgerald, E.F., Brix, K.A., Deres, D.A., Hwang, S.A., Bush, B., Lambert, G., Tarbell, A. Toxicology and industrial health. (1996)
- Correlates and predictors of adiposity among Mohawk children. Horn, O.K., Paradis, G., Potvin, L., Macaulay, A.C., Desrosiers, S. Preventive medicine. (2001)
- Fish PCB concentrations and consumption patterns among Mohawk women at Akwesasne. Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A., Brix, K.A., Bush, B., Cook, K., Worswick, P. Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology. (1995)
- Irxl1, a divergent Iroquois homeobox family transcription factor gene. Takeuchi, J.K., Bruneau, B.G. Gene Expr. Patterns (2007)
- The association between local fish consumption and DDE, mirex, and HCB concentrations in the breast milk of Mohawk women at Akwesasne. Fitzgerald, E.F., Hwang, S.A., Deres, D.A., Bush, B., Cook, K., Worswick, P. Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology. (2001)
- Neurobehavioral assessment of Mohawk Indians for subclinical indications of methyl mercury neurotoxicity. Valciukas, J.A., Levin, S.M., Nicholson, W.J., Selikoff, I.J. Arch. Environ. Health (1986)
- Organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, dibenzodioxin, and furan concentrations in common snapping turtle eggs (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in Akwesasne, Mohawk Territory, Ontario, Canada. de Solla, S.R., Bishop, C.A., Lickers, H., Jock, K. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (2001)
- Comparison of the dietary intakes of two different groups of children (grades 4 to 6) before and after the Kahnawake Schools Diabetes Prevention Project. Jimenez, M.M., Receveur, O., Trifonopoulos, M., Kuhnlein, H., Paradis, G., Macaulay, A.C. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. (2003)
- Long-term trends in sodium and chloride in the Mohawk River, New York: the effect of fifty years of road-salt application. Godwin, K.S., Hafner, S.D., Buff, M.F. Environ. Pollut. (2003)
- Distribution of albumin variants Naskapi amd Mexico among Aleuts, Frobisher Bay Eskimos, and Micmac, Naskapi, Mohawk, Omaha, and Apache Indians. Schell, L.M., Agarwal, S.S., Blumberg, B.S., Levy, H., Bennett, P.H., Laughlin, W.S., Martin, J.P. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. (1978)