MeSH Review:
Parent-Child Relations
- Family predictors of psychopathology in children with epilepsy. Rodenburg, R., Marie Meijer, A., Deković, M., Aldenkamp, A.P. Epilepsia (2006)
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disordered boys' relationships with their mothers and fathers: child, mother, and father perceptions. Gerdes, A.C., Hoza, B., Pelham, W.E. Development and psychopathology. (2003)
- ODD and ADHD symptoms in Ukrainian children: external validators and comorbidity. Drabick, D.A., Gadow, K.D., Carlson, G.A., Bromet, E.J. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2004)
- Parent-specific adjustments for evaluation of recumbent length and stature of children. Himes, J.H., Roche, A.F., Thissen, D., Moore, W.M. Pediatrics (1985)
- Parent training skills and methadone maintenance: clinical opportunities and challenges. Dawe, S., Harnett, P.H., Staiger, P., Dadds, M.R. Drug and alcohol dependence. (2000)
- Parent-child relationship disorders. Part II. The vulnerable child syndrome and its relation to parental overprotection. Thomasgard, M., Shonkoff, J.P., Metz, W.P., Edelbrock, C. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. (1995)
- Testosterone and child and adolescent adjustment: the moderating role of parent-child relationships. Booth, A., Johnson, D.R., Granger, D.A., Crouter, A.C., McHale, S. Developmental psychology. (2003)
- A relational perspective on PTSD in early childhood. Scheering, M.S., Zeanah, C.H. Journal of traumatic stress. (2001)
- Mourning the loss of "self as father": a longitudinal study of fatherhood among the Druze. Florsheim, P., Gutmann, D. Psychiatry. (1992)
- Couples becoming parents: something special after IVF? Ulrich, D., Gagel, D.E., Hemmerling, A., Pastor, V.S., Kentenich, H. Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology. (2004)
- A study of psychosocial factors in the psychosomatic symptoms of adolescents in Okinawa. Nakada, Y. Acta paediatrica Japonica; Overseas edition. (1992)
- The narcissistic scenarios of parenthood. Manzano, J., Palacio Espasa, F., Zilkha, N. The International journal of psycho-analysis. (1999)
- Family factors and psychopathology in children with epilepsy: a literature review. Rodenburg, R., Meijer, A.M., Deković, M., Aldenkamp, A.P. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B. (2005)