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Longitudinal Studies

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Disease relevance of Longitudinal Studies


Psychiatry related information on Longitudinal Studies


High impact information on Longitudinal Studies

  • Cross-sectional population surveys have shown that HDL cholesterol is inversely related to plasma triglycerides, yet to our knowledge no longitudinal studies have shown that a decrease in elevated triglycerides will raise depressed HDL levels [11].
  • Few longitudinal studies have examined cocaine-exposed infants, however, and findings are contradictory because of methodologic limitations [12].
  • Longitudinal study will determine if glucose metabolic measures provide a means to monitor experimental treatment responses during the early phases of the disorder [13].
  • Long-term longitudinal studies are needed to determine the role of these two types of RFs in the pathogenesis of RA [14].
  • Cases and controls were taken from the longitudinal study of health in the Pima Indian population [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Longitudinal Studies


Biological context of Longitudinal Studies


Anatomical context of Longitudinal Studies


Associations of Longitudinal Studies with chemical compounds

  • A longitudinal study was conducted in Sierra Leone to measure the impact of a single dose anthelminthic (400 mg albendazole) and daily iron-folate supplements (36 g iron and 5 mg folate) on haemoglobin (HG) concentration during pregnancy [31].
  • Evidence from randomized, controlled trials and from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies shows that estrogen-replacement therapy preferentially protects against a decline in verbal memory in healthy postmenopausal women and decreases the risk of AD [32].
  • A longitudinal study of workers involved in the manufacture of trimellitic anhydride has been in progress since 1977 [33].
  • We report similar findings in longitudinal studies of female Safari cats and demonstrate that the excessive skewing that develops with aging results from a third mechanism that has no pathologic consequence, hemizygous selection [34].
  • Longitudinal studies of three patients who received long term busulfan treatment did not show a significant change in the frequency of induced SCE [35].

Gene context of Longitudinal Studies


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Longitudinal Studies


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