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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effect of bismuth subcitrate and sucralfate on rat duodenal and human gastric bicarbonate secretion in vivo.

Acid and alkali secretion have been examined together with prostaglandin E2 production in response to two mucosal protective drugs, colloidal bismuth subcitrate and sucralfate. Doses of colloidal bismuth subcitrate in the therapeutic range (120 and 1200 mg) had no effect on alkali secretion or luminal PGE2 output when perfused into the stomach of human volunteers. Similarly, in the anaesthetised rat, neither gastric acid nor duodenal alkali secretions were influenced by iv (12 mg/kg) or topical (120 mg/ml) administration of colloidal bismuth subcitrate. In contrast, perfusion of the human stomach with 1 g sucralfate stimulated bicarbonate output by 50%, a response which was unaffected by indomethacin (25 mg/h). A rise of 64% in gastric PGE2 output after sucralfate was, however, prevented by indomethacin pretreatment. Alkali secretion by rat duodenum was also increased by sucralfate but the response depended on the basal secretory rate. Low basal secretors (less than 3 mumol) showed a 75% stimulation whereas rats with high basal secretory rates (greater than 3 mumol) showed no significant response. All duodenal preparations regardless of basal secretory rate showed a stimulation of bicarbonate output with topical PGE2. The results suggest that enhancement of gastroduodenal bicarbonate secretion may play a role in the protective action of sucralfate but is unlikely to explain mucosal protection by colloidal bismuth subcitrate.[1]


  1. Effect of bismuth subcitrate and sucralfate on rat duodenal and human gastric bicarbonate secretion in vivo. Shorrock, C.J., Garner, A., Hunter, A.H., Crampton, J.R., Rees, W.D. Gut (1990) [Pubmed]
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