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Thromboxane A2 moderates permeability after limb ischemia.

Reperfusion after limb ischemia results in muscle edema as well as excess secretion of thromboxane A2 (TxA2), an agent associated with permeability increase in other settings. This study tests whether TxA2 moderates the permeability following limb ischemia. A tourniquet inflated to 300 mmHg was applied for 2 hours around the hind limb of four groups of dogs. In untreated animals (N = 25), 2 hours following tourniquet release, plasma TxB2 values rose from 320 pg/ml to 2416 pg/ml (p less than 0.001), and popliteal lymph values rose from 378 pg/ml to 1046 pg/ml (p less than 0.001). Platelet TxB2 was unaltered and plasma 6-keto-PGF1 alpha levels did not vary. Following ischemia, lymph flow (QL) increased from 0.07 to 0.37 ml/h (p less than 0.05), while the lymph/plasma (L/P) protein ratio was unchanged at 0.41. These measurements indicate increased permeability since increase in hydrostatic pressure in a second group by tourniquet inflation to 50 mmHg (N = 7) led to a rise in QL from 0.07 to 0.22 ml/h, but a fall in the L/P ratio to 0.32, a value lower than the ischemic group (p less than 0.05). Pretreatment with the imidazole derivative ketoconazole (N = 11) reduced platelet Tx synthesis from 42 ng to 2 ng/10(9) platelets, but lymph TxB2 levels rose to 1703 pg/ml after ischemia, indicating an extravascular or vessel wall site of synthesis not inhibited by ketoconazole. Pretreatment with a lower molecular weight imidazole derivative OKY 046 (N = 9) inhibited all Tx synthesis after ischemia. Prior to tourniquet inflation, both OKY 046 and ketoconazole lowered plasma TxB2 levels as well as the L/P ratio (p less than 0.05). After ischemia, OKY 046, but not ketoconazole, maintained the L/P ratio at 0.33, a value below that of untreated animals (p less than 0.05). These results indicate that nonplatelet-derived TxA2 modulates both baseline and ischemia-induced increases in microvascular permeability in the dog hind limb.[1]


  1. Thromboxane A2 moderates permeability after limb ischemia. Lelcuk, S., Alexander, F., Valeri, C.R., Shepro, D., Hechtman, H.B. Ann. Surg. (1985) [Pubmed]
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