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Chemical Compound Review

Ozagrelum     (E)-3-[4-(imidazol-1- ylmethyl)phenyl]prop...

Synonyms: ozagrel, Cataclot (TN), SureCN4210, CHEMBL11662, S2496_Selleck, ...
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Disease relevance of ozagrel


Psychiatry related information on ozagrel

  • The reduced spontaneously locomotor activity and the obstruction of motor coordination were improved by the administration of ozagrel in the conscious cerebral ischemia-reperfusion mouse model [6].

High impact information on ozagrel


Chemical compound and disease context of ozagrel


Biological context of ozagrel

  • In the ozagrel-treated group, changes in plasma TXB(2) concentration, BE, HCO(3) (-), and platelet count were significantly inhibited [15].
  • Due to rapid and complete absorption (i.e., Tmax; 20 min, bioavailability; 100%) and longer duration of pharmacological action after rectal dosing, the rectum offers a practical delivery route for ozagrel [16].
  • In addition, ozagrel, GF109203X and Y27632 possessed no appreciable effects on the cell growth by themselves [17].

Anatomical context of ozagrel

  • Ozagrel was partly metabolized to M2 and M1 in rat intestinal mucosa, although the main metabolic site might be in the liver [10].
  • The blood flows around the infarcted area, in the cerebral cortex, and in the cerebral white matter were significantly increased by the administration of sodium ozagrel [4].
  • In 4 patients who had ACh-induced coronary spasm of the left anterior descending artery, the TXB2 concentration in the coronary sinus decreased after intracoronary administration of Ozagrel Na into the left coronary artery (463 +/- 562 vs 96 +/- 45, p < 0.01) [13].
  • Ozagrel did not alter the intracellular ROS or superoxide production of neutrophils [18].
  • Since the suture-induced MCAO model and the microthrombosis model are models for occlusion-reperfusion of the major cerebral arteries and lacunar infarction, respectively, these results suggest a highly beneficial effect of ozagrel in the clinical therapy for stroke [12].

Associations of ozagrel with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ozagrel


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ozagrel


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