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Gene Review

Cd63  -  CD63 antigen

Mus musculus

Synonyms: C75951, ME491, Tspan30
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Disease relevance of Cd63

  • ME491 complementary DNA clones were then obtained by probing a melanoma complementary DNA library with the genomic subfragments [1].
  • Surface expression of CD63 antigen (AD1 antigen) in P815 mastocytoma cells by transfected IgE receptors [2].

High impact information on Cd63

  • Southern blot analysis revealed no amplification or rearrangement of the ME491 gene in the human melanoma cell lines tested, including both high and low expressors of this antigen [1].
  • The ME491 gene has been mapped to chromosome region 12p12----12q13 by somatic cell hybrid analysis and more narrowly localized to 12q12----12q14 by in situ hybridization [1].
  • Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cloned complementary DNA indicated that the ME491 antigen consists of 237 amino acids (Mr 25,475) with four transmembrane regions and three putative N-glycosylation sites [1].
  • The ME491 gene was molecularly cloned by means of DNA-mediated gene transfer followed by screening a lambda genomic library with human repetitive Alu sequences as a probe [1].
  • The cloned DNA, after transfection into mouse L-cells, generated a protein with characteristics that were indistinguishable in Western blot analysis from the ME491 antigen expressed by human melanoma cells [1].

Biological context of Cd63

  • Genetic localization of Cd63, a member of the transmembrane 4 superfamily, reveals two distinct loci in the mouse genome [3].
  • Of particular significance, the Ag is strikingly similar, with respect to both amino acid sequence (36% identity) and putative domain structure to ME491, a human stage-specific melanoma-associated Ag [4].
  • These results suggested that overexpression of ME491 antigen partially suppressed malignant phenotypes of H-ras-transformed NIH3T3 cells in athymic nude mice through co-operating with a factor(s) or mechanism(s) that exist in vivo but not in vitro [5].

Anatomical context of Cd63


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