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Gene Review

Gtf2i  -  general transcription factor II I

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 6030441I21Rik, BAP-135, BTK-associated protein 135, Bap135, Bruton tyrosine kinase-associated protein 135, ...
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Disease relevance of Gtf2i


High impact information on Gtf2i

  • Both the initiator binding protein, TFII-I, and SP1 have been found to interact physically with components of the TFIID complex [2].
  • The Spin peptide, when complexed with Dd, also activated the T cell [3].
  • These data suggest that Bright functions as a three-component protein complex in the immunoglobulin locus and tie together previous data indicating important roles for Btk and TFII-I in B lymphocytes [4].
  • Similarly, Xenopus embryos with endogenous TFII-I expression downregulated by injection of TFII-I-specific antisense oligonucleotides exhibit decreased Gsc expression [5].
  • We also identify a DICE-interacting factor: a TFII-I-related protein known as BEN (also termed Mus-TRD1 and WBSCR11) [6].

Biological context of Gtf2i


Anatomical context of Gtf2i

  • Using RT-PCR, we detected Gtf2i and Gtf2ird1 mRNA transcripts in unfertilized oocytes, which indicates the maternal expression of these genes [9].
  • Moreover, inhibition of TFII-I function in a B-cell line resulted in decreased heavy-chain transcript levels [4].

Other interactions of Gtf2i


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gtf2i

  • Gtf2i transcript is detectable in ES cells by RT-PCR and on Northern blots of tissues from 7-dpc embryos [1].
  • Sequence analysis of the proximal promoter region revealed several potential regulatory elements; these include the recognition elements of Sp1, Nkx, CP2, E2A, SIF (SIS-inducible factor), TFII-I and cAMP-responsive element (CRE), but no TATA sequences [10].


  1. A mouse single-copy gene, Gtf2i, the homolog of human GTF2I, that is duplicated in the Williams-Beuren syndrome deletion region. Wang, Y.K., Pérez-Jurado, L.A., Francke, U. Genomics (1998) [Pubmed]
  2. Cooperativity in vivo between the E2 transactivator and the TATA box binding protein depends on core promoter structure. Ham, J., Steger, G., Yaniv, M. EMBO J. (1994) [Pubmed]
  3. Using a baculovirus display library to identify MHC class I mimotopes. Wang, Y., Rubtsov, A., Heiser, R., White, J., Crawford, F., Marrack, P., Kappler, J.W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005) [Pubmed]
  4. Induction of immunoglobulin heavy-chain transcription through the transcription factor Bright requires TFII-I. Rajaiya, J., Nixon, J.C., Ayers, N., Desgranges, Z.P., Roy, A.L., Webb, C.F. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. Positive and negative regulation of the transforming growth factor beta/activin target gene goosecoid by the TFII-I family of transcription factors. Ku, M., Sokol, S.Y., Wu, J., Tussie-Luna, M.I., Roy, A.L., Hata, A. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Regulation of immunoglobulin promoter activity by TFII-I class transcription factors. Tantin, D., Tussie-Luna, M.I., Roy, A.L., Sharp, P.A. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Genomic organization of the genes Gtf2ird1, Gtf2i, and Ncf1 at the mouse chromosome 5 region syntenic to the human chromosome 7q11.23 Williams syndrome critical region. Bayarsaihan, D., Dunai, J., Greally, J.M., Kawasaki, K., Sumiyama, K., Enkhmandakh, B., Shimizu, N., Ruddle, F.H. Genomics (2002) [Pubmed]
  8. TFII-I, a candidate gene for Williams syndrome cognitive profile: parallels between regional expression in mouse brain and human phenotype. Danoff, S.K., Taylor, H.E., Blackshaw, S., Desiderio, S. Neuroscience (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. The early embryonic expression of TFII-I during mouse preimplantation development. Enkhmandakh, B., Bitchevaia, N., Ruddle, F., Bayarsaihan, D. Gene Expr. Patterns (2004) [Pubmed]
  10. Genomic organization, chromosomal mapping and promoter analysis of the mouse selenocysteine tRNA gene transcription-activating factor (mStaf) gene. Adachi, K., Katsuyama, M., Song, S., Oka, T. Biochem. J. (2000) [Pubmed]
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