Gene Review:
pha-4 - Protein PHA-4
Caenorhabditis elegans
- pha-4, an HNF-3 homolog, specifies pharyngeal organ identity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Horner, M.A., Quintin, S., Domeier, M.E., Kimble, J., Labouesse, M., Mango, S.E. Genes Dev. (1998)
- pha-4 is Ce-fkh-1, a fork head/HNF-3alpha,beta,gamma homolog that functions in organogenesis of the C. elegans pharynx. Kalb, J.M., Lau, K.K., Goszczynski, B., Fukushige, T., Moons, D., Okkema, P.G., McGhee, J.D. Development (1998)
- Contribution of the amino and carboxyl termini for PHA-4/FoxA function in Caenorhabditis elegans. Kaltenbach, L.S., Updike, D.L., Mango, S.E. Dev. Dyn. (2005)
- The pha-4 gene is required to generate the pharyngeal primordium of Caenorhabditis elegans. Mango, S.E., Lambie, E.J., Kimble, J. Development (1994)
- An early pharyngeal muscle enhancer from the Caenorhabditis elegans ceh-22 gene is targeted by the Forkhead factor PHA-4. Vilimas, T., Abraham, A., Okkema, P.G. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Role of T-box gene tbx-2 for anterior foregut muscle development in C. elegans. Smith, P.A., Mango, S.E. Dev. Biol. (2007)
- The temporal patterning microRNA let-7 regulates several transcription factors at the larval to adult transition in C. elegans. Grosshans, H., Johnson, T., Reinert, K.L., Gerstein, M., Slack, F.J. Dev. Cell (2005)
- Modulation of gene expression in the embryonic digestive tract of C. elegans. Fukushige, T., Schroeder, D.F., Allen, F.L., Goszczynski, B., McGhee, J.D. Dev. Biol. (1996)
- The Target of Rapamycin pathway antagonizes pha-4/FoxA to control development and aging. Sheaffer, K.L., Updike, D.L., Mango, S.E. Curr. Biol. (2008)