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Disease relevance of Infarction


Psychiatry related information on Infarction


High impact information on Infarction

  • Patients with normal ventricles or evidence of infarction in the distant past had no detectable levels of either VEGF mRNA or HIF-1alpha mRNA [2].
  • On days 3 to 7 after infarction, 1749 patients were randomly assigned to receive oral trandolapril (876 patients) or placebo (873 patients) [10].
  • Thus, the findings in the MILIS population do not support the assertion that digoxin therapy is excessively hazardous after infarction, but the existence of an undetected harmful effect can only be excluded with a randomized study [11].
  • The relation between fibrinogen and infarction, and between fibrinogen and stroke, became weaker when blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and smoking habits were taken into account, but was still significant for stroke [12].
  • The results indicate that infusion of nitroprusside in the early phase of acute infarction limits complications, possibly by reducing infarct size [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Infarction

  • One hundred sixty-eight patients (47 per cent), who were without major complications, elevation of total serum creatine phosphokinase, or electrocardiographic evidence of transmural infarction during the first day, could be designated "low-risk" patients [14].
  • A comparison of digoxin and dobutamine in patients with acute infarction and cardiac failure [15].
  • We conclude that diltiazem was effective in preventing early reinfarction and severe angina after non-Q-wave infarction and that it was also safe and generally well tolerated [16].
  • In six patients with infarction shortly after these studies and in two in whom the infarction developed during hemodynamic monitoring or during angiography the onset of infarction was indistinguishable from the onset of anginal attacks [17].
  • In 417 patients in whom treatment was started within four months of infarction oxprenolol increased the six-year cumulative survival rate from 77 to 95 per cent (P less than 0.001) [18].

Biological context of Infarction


Anatomical context of Infarction


Gene context of Infarction

  • Thus, our investigation revealed a previously uncharacterized role for c-kit signaling after infarction by mediating bone marrow-derived NK and angiogenic cell mobilization, which contributes to improved remodeling and cardiac function after MI [29].
  • Systemic administration of EPO (5,000 units/kg of body weight, i.p.) after middle-cerebral artery occlusion in rats dramatically reduces the volume of infarction 24 h later, in concert with an almost complete reduction in the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling of neurons within the ischemic penumbra [30].
  • Preeclamptic patients with extensive placental infarction exhibited higher plasma PAI activity (24.1 U/mL v 11.6 U/mL) and PAI-1 values (305 ng/mL v 80.9 ng/mL) than preeclamptic patients without extensive placental infarction [31].
  • In contrast, PAI-2 levels were reduced in preeclamptic patients with infarction in comparison with those of patients without infarction (141 ng/mL v 212.9 ng/mL) [31].
  • Structural analysis 1, 2, and 5 weeks after infarction revealed that infarct healing was virtually abolished in Plg-/- mice, indicating that the plasminogen system is required for the repair process of the heart after infarction [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Infarction


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