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Gene Review

recA  -  recombinase A

Neisseria gonorrhoeae FA 1090

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Disease relevance of recA

  • Toxicity is indicated by the extreme instability of certain unassembled pilin sequences and by the low frequency of nonpiliated, pilin+, PilC- variants that emerge from piliated recA- cells [1].
  • Networks and groups within the genus Neisseria: analysis of argF, recA, rho, and 16S rRNA sequences from human Neisseria species [2].

High impact information on recA

  • The presence of a point mutation changing leucine-39 to phenylalanine at the cleavage site for S-pilin in one nonpiliated, PilC-, recA- variant relative to its piliated parent is a further argument for a selective mechanism of structural diversity of the gonococcal pilin [1].
  • To understand the pattern of nucleotide sequence variation among bacteria that frequently exchange chromosomal genes, we analyzed sequences of the recA, argF, and rho genes, as well as part of the small-subunit (16S) rRNA gene, from about 50 isolates of human commensal Neisseria species and the pathogenic N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae [2].
  • This view was supported by Sawyer's runs test, and the Index of Association (IA) between codons, which provided significant evidence for interspecies recombination between the adk genes from the human Neisseria species, but no evidence of interspecies recombination between the recA sequences [3].
  • The sequences of the adenylate kinase gene (adk) and the RecA gene (recA) were determined from the same isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, N. meningitidis, N. lactamica, N. polysaccharea, N. cinerea, N. mucosa, N. pharyngis var. flava, N. flavescens, and N. animalis [3].
  • Effects of recA mutations on pilus antigenic variation and phase transitions in Neisseria gonorrhoeae [4].

Chemical compound and disease context of recA

  • Two classes of recA mutations have been constructed for use in Neisseria gonorrhoeae: three insertionally inactivated ('knockout') mutations and three LacI-regulatable constructs that can be shifted between Rec- and Rec+ by the removal or addition of IPTG [5].

Biological context of recA

  • In a strain that is deficient in recA mediated homologous recombination, pilus phase variation occurs at a 100-1000-fold reduced rate and results predominantly from one class of spontaneous frameshift mutations within the pilin structural gene [4].
  • The effects of regulating recA expression on the processes of DNA transformation, DNA repair and pilin-phase variation are described [5].

Associations of recA with chemical compounds

  • We therefore tested the importance of RecA and DNA recombination and repair enzymes in conferring resistance to H(2)O(2) damage. recA mutants, as well as RecBCD (recB, recC, and recD) and RecF-like pathway mutants (recJ, recO, and recQ), all showed decreased resistance to H(2)O(2) [6].


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