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Antigenic Variation

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Disease relevance of Antigenic Variation

  • Differential immunoscreening and RT-PCR demonstrate that IFN-gamma-mediated signals facilitate spirochete recombination at the variable major protein like sequence locus, a site for early antigenic variation in vivo, and that recombination rates by B. burgdorferi N40 are lower in IFN-gammaR-deficient mice than in control animals [1].
  • The antigenic diversity threshold theory predicts that antigenic sites of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, such as the V3 region of the external glycoprotein gp120, evolve more rapidly during the symptom-free period in individuals progressing to AIDS than in those who remain asymptomatic for a long time [2].
  • To define the structure of the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) env gene and characterize genetic changes which occur during antigenic variation, we sequenced the env genes of CAEV-63 and CAEV-Co, two antigenic variants of CAEV defined by serum neutralization [3].
  • Anaplasma phagocytophilum immunodominant polymorphic major surface protein P44s have been hypothesized to go through antigenic variation, but the within-host dynamics of p44 expression has not been demonstrated [4].
  • The antigenic variation of the relapsing fever agent Borrelia hermsii is associated with changes in the expression of the Vlp and Vsp outer membrane lipoproteins [5].

High impact information on Antigenic Variation

  • The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum undergoes antigenic variation to evade host immune responses through switching expression of variant surface proteins encoded by the var gene family [6].
  • F2 more prominently lines the channels and makes the majority of the glycan contacts, underscoring its role in cytoadherence and in antigenic variation in malaria [7].
  • In P. falciparum, subtelomeric domains are conserved and contain ordered arrays of members of multigene families, such as var, rif and stevor, encoding virulence determinants of cytoadhesion and antigenic variation [8].
  • Telomeric reciprocal recombination as a possible mechanism for antigenic variation in trypanosomes [9].
  • Recently, however, IFN-alpha has been found to include at least eight different subtypes, as indicated by measurement of antigenic variability, DNA hybridization and amino acid sequencing [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Antigenic Variation


Biological context of Antigenic Variation


Anatomical context of Antigenic Variation


Associations of Antigenic Variation with chemical compounds


Gene context of Antigenic Variation

  • The observed pattern of DNA variation in this region is consistent with the selection model developed in this article, suggesting that strong selection might be working to maintain the RHCE/RHD antigen variation in the two-locus system [31].
  • A homologue of the recombination-dependent growth gene, rdgC, is involved in gonococcal pilin antigenic variation [32].
  • Because of the antigenic variation in the serum CEA, markedly different CEA concentrations (varying by three orders of magnitude) were measurable by two different antisera (Roche and Montreal) [33].
  • The outer membrane proteins (OMPs) P1 and P2 of Haemophilus influenzae type b exhibit molecular size and antigenic variation [34].
  • Analysis of antigenic diversity of MSP5 shows a lack of sequence variation between various isolates of P. falciparum from different geographical locations, a feature unusual for surface proteins of merozoites and one that may simplify vaccine formulation [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Antigenic Variation

  • Virus neutralization tests performed with sera from experimentally infected salmon indicated that SPDV and SDV belonged to the same serotype; however, antigenic variation was detected among SDV and geographically different SPDV isolates by using monoclonal antibodies [36].
  • The parasites have the ability to escape immune control by two means: by antigenic variation of the surface glycoprotein coat so that waves of variant parasites arise and by inducing a general immunosuppression affecting immune responses to the parasite as well as to parasite-unrelated antigens [37].
  • Assignment of the gene(s) involved in expression of the Meth A antigen to the distal region of chromosome 12, the same region encoding Igh, raised the possibility that genetic elements responsible for antibody idiotype could be involved in the antigenic diversity of tumour-specific transplantation antigens [38].
  • Eighteen Coxiella burnetii strains from a variety of clinical and geographical sources were screened for antigenic variation of polypeptides by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) coupled with Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) staining or immunoblotting [39].
  • Results illustrate a continued antigenic variation in an endemic area where vaccination has been used; however, asymmetric serological reactions between the A24 vaccine strain and the most recent field isolate indicated that a vaccine incorporating A24 should still give adequate protection [40].


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