Gene Review:
Pdp1 - PAR-domain protein 1
Drosophila melanogaster
CG17888, Dmel\CG17888, PDP, PDP1, PDP1epsilon, ...
- vrille, Pdp1, and dClock form a second feedback loop in the Drosophila circadian clock. Cyran, S.A., Buchsbaum, A.M., Reddy, K.L., Lin, M.C., Glossop, N.R., Hardin, P.E., Young, M.W., Storti, R.V., Blau, J. Cell (2003)
- PDP1, a novel Drosophila PAR domain bZIP transcription factor expressed in developing mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm, is a transcriptional regulator of somatic muscle genes. Lin, S.C., Lin, M.H., Horváth, P., Reddy, K.L., Storti, R.V. Development (1997)
- The Drosophila Par domain protein I gene, Pdp1, is a regulator of larval growth, mitosis and endoreplication. Reddy, K.L., Rovani, M.K., Wohlwill, A., Katzen, A., Storti, R.V. Dev. Biol. (2006)
- PER/TIM-mediated amplification, gene dosage effects and temperature compensation in an interlocking-feedback loop model of the Drosophila circadian clock. Ruoff, P., Christensen, M.K., Sharma, V.K. J. Theor. Biol. (2005)
- The Drosophila PAR domain protein 1 (Pdp1) gene encodes multiple differentially expressed mRNAs and proteins through the use of multiple enhancers and promoters. Reddy, K.L., Wohlwill, A., Dzitoeva, S., Lin, M.H., Holbrook, S., Storti, R.V. Dev. Biol. (2000)