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Gene Review

Pdp1  -  PAR-domain protein 1

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG17888, Dmel\CG17888, PDP, PDP1, PDP1epsilon, ...
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High impact information on Pdp1

  • Rhythmic vri transcription is required for molecular rhythms, and here we show that the clock stops in a Pdp1 null mutant, identifying Pdp1 as an essential clock gene [1].
  • Thus, VRI and PDP1, together with dClock itself, comprise a second feedback loop in the Drosophila clock that gives rhythmic expression of dClock, and probably of other genes, to generate accurate circadian rhythms [1].
  • We show that PDP1 is involved in regulating expression of the Tropomyosin I gene in somatic body-wall and pharyngeal muscles by binding to DNA sequences within the muscle activator that are required for activator function [2].
  • PDP1, a novel Drosophila PAR domain bZIP transcription factor expressed in developing mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm, is a transcriptional regulator of somatic muscle genes [2].
  • Analyses of Pdp1 null mutant embryos reveal that the overall muscle pattern is normal as is the patterning of the gut and fat body [3].

Biological context of Pdp1

  • We further show that in contrast to a single (per/tim) negative feedback loop oscillator, the interlocking-feedback loop model can readily account for the effect of gene dosages of per, vri, and Pdp1 on the period length [4].
  • We have identified three mutant alleles of Pdp1, each having a similar phenotype [3].
  • These results indicate that Pdp1 has a critical role in coordinating growth and DNA replication [3].
  • Furthermore, although Pdp1 null larvae live a normal life span, they do not form pupae and thus do not give rise to eclosed flies [3].
  • PDP1 is a basic leucine zipper (bZip) transcription factor that is expressed at high levels in the muscle, epidermis, gut and fat body of the developing Drosophila embryo [3].

Associations of Pdp1 with chemical compounds

  • One of the components of this complex is PDP1 (PAR domain protein 1), a basic leucine zipper transcription factor that is highly homologous to three vertebrate genes that are members of the PAR domain subfamily [5].

Physical interactions of Pdp1

  • Although self sustained oscillations can be obtained without per/tim, the model shows that the PER/TIM complex plays an important role in amplification and stabilization of the oscillations generated by the Pdp1/vri positive/negative feedback loops [4].

Other interactions of Pdp1

  • vrille, Pdp1, and dClock form a second feedback loop in the Drosophila circadian clock [1].


  1. vrille, Pdp1, and dClock form a second feedback loop in the Drosophila circadian clock. Cyran, S.A., Buchsbaum, A.M., Reddy, K.L., Lin, M.C., Glossop, N.R., Hardin, P.E., Young, M.W., Storti, R.V., Blau, J. Cell (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. PDP1, a novel Drosophila PAR domain bZIP transcription factor expressed in developing mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm, is a transcriptional regulator of somatic muscle genes. Lin, S.C., Lin, M.H., Horváth, P., Reddy, K.L., Storti, R.V. Development (1997) [Pubmed]
  3. The Drosophila Par domain protein I gene, Pdp1, is a regulator of larval growth, mitosis and endoreplication. Reddy, K.L., Rovani, M.K., Wohlwill, A., Katzen, A., Storti, R.V. Dev. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. PER/TIM-mediated amplification, gene dosage effects and temperature compensation in an interlocking-feedback loop model of the Drosophila circadian clock. Ruoff, P., Christensen, M.K., Sharma, V.K. J. Theor. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. The Drosophila PAR domain protein 1 (Pdp1) gene encodes multiple differentially expressed mRNAs and proteins through the use of multiple enhancers and promoters. Reddy, K.L., Wohlwill, A., Dzitoeva, S., Lin, M.H., Holbrook, S., Storti, R.V. Dev. Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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