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Gene Review

Hlf  -  hepatic leukemia factor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: E230015K02Rik, Hepatic leukemia factor
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Disease relevance of Hlf


High impact information on Hlf

  • To identify physiologic counterparts of this chimera, we investigated the function of other bZIP factors that bind to the same DNA sequence recognized by E2A-HLF [2].
  • Here, we show that thyrotroph embryonic factor (TEF), which shares a high level of sequence identity with HLF and recognizes the same DNA sequence, is expressed in a small fraction of each subset of hematolymphoid progenitors [2].
  • In the spleen, mature T cells were present but in reduced numbers, and they lacked expression of the transgene, suggesting further that E2a-Hlf expression was incompatible with T-cell differentiation [1].
  • Within the thymus, E2a-Hlf induced profound hypoplasia, premature involution, and progressive accumulation of a T-lineage precursor population arrested at an early stage of maturation [1].
  • In contrast, mature splenic B cells expressed E2a-Hlf but at lower levels and without apparent adverse or beneficial effects on their survival [1].

Biological context of Hlf

  • Hlf expression was not associated with cells undergoing programmed cell death in the nervous system [3].
  • TEF, an antiapoptotic bZIP transcription factor related to the oncogenic E2A-HLF chimera, inhibits cell growth by down-regulating expression of the common beta chain of cytokine receptors [2].

Anatomical context of Hlf

  • Subsequently, Hlf expression increased in the central nervous system and was found throughout the brain by adulthood [3].
  • During embryonic brain development, Hlf expression was restricted to the anterior pituitary and meninges [3].
  • In the developing pituitary gland, Hlf was highly expressed in the rostral tip of the anterior lobe [3].
  • By early postnatal life, Hlf was highly expressed in somatosensory cortex, thalamic nuclei, and structures arising from ectodermal placodes [3].
  • When introduced into NIH 3T3 cells in a zinc-inducible vector, each of these mutants induced anchorage-independent growth as efficiently as unaltered E2A-HLF, indicating that the chimeric oncoprotein can transform cells in its homodimeric form [4].

Other interactions of Hlf

  • This pattern is similar to that of Tef, an Hlf-related bZIP protein [3].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hlf


  1. Disrupted differentiation and oncogenic transformation of lymphoid progenitors in E2A-HLF transgenic mice. Smith, K.S., Rhee, J.W., Naumovski, L., Cleary, M.L. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  2. TEF, an antiapoptotic bZIP transcription factor related to the oncogenic E2A-HLF chimera, inhibits cell growth by down-regulating expression of the common beta chain of cytokine receptors. Inukai, T., Inaba, T., Dang, J., Kuribara, R., Ozawa, K., Miyajima, A., Wu, W., Look, A.T., Arinobu, Y., Iwasaki, H., Akashi, K., Kagami, K., Goi, K., Sugita, K., Nakazawa, S. Blood (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. Expression patterns of the hepatic leukemia factor gene in the nervous system of developing and adult mice. Hitzler, J.K., Soares, H.D., Drolet, D.W., Inaba, T., O'Connel, S., MG Rosenfeld, n.u.l.l., Morgan, J.I., Look, A.T. Brain Res. (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Cell transformation mediated by homodimeric E2A-HLF transcription factors. Inukai, T., Inaba, T., Yoshihara, T., Look, A.T. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1997) [Pubmed]
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