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Gene Review

AK-HSDH II  -  bifunctional aspartokinase/homoserine...

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: AK-HSDH, ASPARTATE KINASE-HOMOSERINE DEHYDROGENASE, T16H5.70, T16H5_70, aspartate kinase-homoserine dehydrogenase ii
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Disease relevance of AK-HSDH/AK-HSDH II


High impact information on AK-HSDH/AK-HSDH II

  • Immunological and biochemical analyses verify that the cDNAs encode AK-HSDH and indicate that both the AK and HSDH activities are feedback inhibited by threonine [2].
  • Maize AK-HSDH has conserved sequences found in communication modules of prokaryotic two-component regulatory systems, which has led us to propose that maize AK-HSDH may be involved in a similar regulatory mechanism [2].
  • Sequence analysis showed that the identified gene (akthr2), located on chromosome 4, is different from the previously cloned A. thaliana AK-HSDH gene (akthr1), and corresponds to a novel bifunctional AK-HSDH gene [3].
  • Amplification of the PCR fragment was done using a degenerate primer designed from a conserved region between bacterial monofunctional AK sequences and a primer identical to a region of the A. thaliana bifunctional aspartate kinase-homoserine dehydrogenase (AK-HSDH) [4].
  • AK-HSDH exhibited hyperbolic kinetics for aspartate, ATP, homoserine, and NADP with K(M) values of 11.6 mM, 5.5 mM, 5.2 mM, and 166 microM, respectively [5].

Associations of AK-HSDH/AK-HSDH II with chemical compounds

  • The specific activities corresponding to the forward reaction of AK and reverse reaction of HSDH of AK-HSDH were 5.4 micromol of aspartyl phosphate produced min(-1) mg(-1) of protein and 18.8 micromol of NADPH formed min(-1) mg(-1) of protein, respectively [5].


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