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Gene Review

PRL  -  protein PROLIFERA

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: MCM7, PROLIFERA, T10M13.7, T10M13_7
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High impact information on PRL


Biological context of PRL

  • Disruption of PRL leads to megagametophyte and embryo lethality. prl mutant embryos arrest at a variety of stages, and often show defects in cytokinesis [4].
  • During reproductive development, PRL is expressed in both the developing megaspore mother cells and microspore mother cells, but is not expressed in the developing microgametophyte, suggesting that it does not function in the final haploid divisions leading to the production of a mature pollen grain [4].
  • The Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. gene PROLIFERA (PRL) is a member of the MCM family of genes that are required for DNA replication during the S phase of the cell cycle [4].


  1. Gene trap tagging of PROLIFERA, an essential MCM2-3-5-like gene in Arabidopsis. Springer, P.S., McCombie, W.R., Sundaresan, V., Martienssen, R.A. Science (1995) [Pubmed]
  2. The essential Mcm7 protein PROLIFERA is localized to the nucleus of dividing cells during the G(1) phase and is required maternally for early Arabidopsis development. Springer, P.S., Holding, D.R., Groover, A., Yordan, C., Martienssen, R.A. Development (2000) [Pubmed]
  3. Transport of chimeric proteins that contain a carboxy-terminal targeting signal into plant microbodies. Hayashi, M., Aoki, M., Kato, A., Kondo, M., Nishimura, M. Plant J. (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. The Arabidopsis gene PROLIFERA is required for proper cytokinesis during seed development. Holding, D.R., Springer, P.S. Planta (2002) [Pubmed]
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