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Gene Review

CTL1  -  Ctl1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Polynucleotide 5'-triphosphatase, TPase, YM8010.10C, YMR180C, mRNA 5'-triphosphatase
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High impact information on CTL1

  • Mutagenesis of Ctl1p and Ace2p were unable to identify specific NES residues [1].
  • These proteins are the 5' RNA triphosphatase Ctl1p, the cell cycle-regulated transcription factor Ace2p, and a protein encoded by the previously uncharacterized open reading frame YDR499W [1].
  • CTL1 is not essential for cell viability and no genetic or physical interactions with the capping enzyme genes were observed [2].
  • Recombinant Ctl1 protein releases gamma-phosphate from the 5'-end of RNA to produce a diphosphate terminus [2].
  • Expression of CTL1 in myelinating structures of Torpedo marmorata [3].

Biological context of CTL1


Anatomical context of CTL1

  • CTL1 immunolabeling was particularly conspicuous in the myelin sheath surrounding the electric nerve and in central myelinated structures [3].
  • When full length torpedo CTL1 was expressed in oocytes, a broad 60 kDa band appeared concomitant with the detection of immunoreactivity at the plasma membrane [3].
  • Northern analysis of Torpedo mRNA indicates that CTL1 is expressed at high levels in the spinal cord and brain [4].

Associations of CTL1 with chemical compounds

  • The association of the presumptive choline transporter, CTL1, with myelin membranes suggests a role for this new protein in lipid production [3].

Other interactions of CTL1

  • We initially isolated CTL1 from the electric lobe of brain through functional complementation of a yeast mutant deficient in choline transport [3].


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