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Gene Review

SUI1  -  translation initiation factor eIF1

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF-1, MOF2, N0905, Protein translation factor SUI1, RFR1, ...
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High impact information on SUI1

  • Expression of the human SUI1 homolog in yeast corrects all of the mof2-1 phenotypes, demonstrating that the function of this protein is conserved throughout evolution [1].
  • A genetic reversion analysis at the HIS4 locus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has identified SUI1 as a component of the translation initiation complex which plays an important role in ribosomal recognition of the initiator codon [2].
  • The demonstration that upf sui1 double mutants are synthetically lethal demonstrates an important functional interaction between the NMD and translation initiation pathway [3].
  • The evolution of the translation machinery components containing the S4, PUA, and SUI1 domains must have included several events of lateral gene transfer and gene loss as well as lineage-specific domain fusions [4].
  • Studies on the mof2-1 allele of the SUI1 gene indicate that in addition to its role in recognition of the AUG codon during translation initiation and maintenance of the appropriate reading frame during translation elongation, the Mof2 protein plays a role in the NMD pathway [5].

Biological context of SUI1


Other interactions of SUI1


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