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Introversion (Psychology)

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Disease relevance of Introversion (Psychology)

  • The ARH and CM groups had a higher number of subjects with T-scores > or =65, when compared to the migraine group, on the following scales: 1 (hypochondrias), 2 (depression), 8 (schizophrenia) and 0 (social introversion) [1].

Psychiatry related information on Introversion (Psychology)

  • Cortisol levels following DST were positively correlated with the depression as well as the social introversion MMPI scale scores, and negatively correlated with the hypomania scale scores [2].
  • In males, weak but significant linear correlations (Pearson product-moment and Spearman rank correlations) were found between platelet MAO activity (p-tyramine and benzylamine as substrates) and the extraversion/introversion dimension [3].
  • To test the hypothesis that personality characteristics are related to alcohol-effect expectancies, 256 (115 men) college students were divided into groups on the basis of self-reported alcohol consumption and anxiety and introversion scores on the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire [4].
  • The results indicate that those with CLP have a normal or even a high self-concept, and no signs of introversion [5].
  • RESULTS: The psychological variables tested, namely, loneliness, depression, anxiety components, introversion, and social desirability, were found to be statistically significant (p < .01) for the three groups (i.e., BPPV, psychogenic, and control) [6].

High impact information on Introversion (Psychology)

  • Significant correlations were found between the MMPI Social Introversion scale and somatic, cognitive, and affective response to CCK-4 [7].
  • The results suggest that the relationship between neurotic introversion and sensitivity to CCK requires closer scrutiny [7].
  • The GH response (area under the curve) after apomorphine injection was positively correlated with the social introversion scale scores (r = 0.56, df = 19, p less than 0.01) and the anxiety scale scores (r = 0.45, df = 19, p = 0.04) [8].
  • Assuming that caffeine increases arousal, this interaction between introversion/extraversion and drug condition supports Eysenck's theory [9].
  • The factor analyses grouped the applied variables into factors of Productivity, Ego Strength, Control of Emotionality, Defensive Introversion and Aggressiveness [10].


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  2. Dexamethasone suppression test and MMPI scales. Ansseau, M., von Frenckell, R., Franck, G., Geenen, V., Legros, J.J. Neuropsychobiology (1986) [Pubmed]
  3. Correlation of platelet MAO activity with introversion: a study on a German rural population. Demisch, L., Georgi, K., Patzke, B., Demisch, K., Bochnik, H.J. Psychiatry research. (1982) [Pubmed]
  4. Extroversion, anxiety and the perceived effects of alcohol. Brown, S.A., Munson, E. J. Stud. Alcohol (1987) [Pubmed]
  5. Self-concept and introversion in adolescents with cleft lip and palate. Persson, M., Aniansson, G., Becker, M., Svensson, H. Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery / Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forening [and] Nordisk klubb for handkirurgi. (2002) [Pubmed]
  6. Psychological findings in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and psychogenic vertigo. Nagarkar, A.N., Gupta, A.K., Mann, S.B. The Journal of otolaryngology. (2000) [Pubmed]
  7. Influence of personality on behavioral response to cholecystokinin-tetrapeptide in patients with panic disorder. Koszycki, D., Zacharko, R.M., Bradwejn, J. Psychiatry research. (1996) [Pubmed]
  8. Psychopathological correlates of dopaminergic disturbances in major depression. Pitchot, W., Hansenne, M., Moreno, A.G., von Frenckell, R., Ansseau, M. Neuropsychobiology (1990) [Pubmed]
  9. The interactive effect of personality, time of day, and caffeine: a test of the arousal model. Revelle, W., Humphreys, M.S., Simon, L., Gilliland, K. Journal of experimental psychology. General. (1980) [Pubmed]
  10. Personality and long term exposure to organic solvents. Lindström, K., Martelin, T. Neurobehavioral toxicology. (1980) [Pubmed]
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