MeSH Review:
Blast Injuries
- The effects of primary thoracic blast injury and morphine on the response to haemorrhage in the anaesthetised rat. Sawdon, M., Ohnishi, M., Watkins, P.E., Kirkman, E. Exp. Physiol. (2002)
- Bomb blast injuries to the ear: the London Bridge incident series. Walsh, R.M., Pracy, J.P., Huggon, A.M., Gleeson, M.J. Journal of accident & emergency medicine. (1995)
- Analysis of 828 servicemen killed or injured by explosion in Northern Ireland 1970-84: the Hostile Action Casualty System. Mellor, S.G., Cooper, G.J. The British journal of surgery. (1989)
- Predictors of mortality in close proximity blast injuries during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Nelson, T.J., Wall, D.B., Stedje-Larsen, E.T., Clark, R.T., Chambers, L.W., Bohman, H.R. J. Am. Coll. Surg. (2006)
- Pulmonary blast injury increases nitric oxide production, disturbs arginine metabolism, and alters the plasma free amino acid pool in rabbits during the early posttraumatic period. Zunic, G., Pavlović, R., Malicević, Z., Savić, V., Cernak, I. Nitric Oxide (2000)
- Recovery from blast lung injury: one-year follow-up. Hirshberg, B., Oppenheim-Eden, A., Pizov, R., Sklair-Levi, M., Rivkin, A., Bardach, E., Bublil, M., Sprung, C., Kramer, M.R. Chest (1999)
- Leukotrienes in the pathogenesis of pulmonary blast injury. Cernak, I., Savic, J., Malicevic, Z., Zunic, G., Radosevic, P., Ivanovic, I. The Journal of trauma. (1996)
- Neuroprotective role of aminoguanidine in behavioral changes after blast injury. Moochhala, S.M., Md, S., Lu, J., Teng, C.H., Greengrass, C. The Journal of trauma. (2004)
- Management of glass intraocular foreign bodies. Gopal, L., Banker, A.S., Deb, N., Badrinath, S.S., Sharma, T., Parikh, S.N., Shanmugham, M.P., Bhende, P.S., Das, D., Mukesh, B.N. Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.) (1998)
- Inhibition of leukotriene formation by diethylcarbamazine modifies the acid-base balance in the rabbits with blast injuries of the lungs. Zunić, G., Cernak, I., Malicević, Z., Savić, J. Vojnosanitetski pregled. Military-medical and pharmaceutical review. (1999)
- Vasodilator and vitamins in therapy of sensorineural hearing loss following war-related blast injury: retrospective study. Sprem, N., Branica, S., Dawidowsky, K. Croat. Med. J. (2001)
- The pathophysiology of primary blast injury and its implications for treatment. Part II: The auditory structures and abdomen. Cripps, N.P., Glover, M.A., Guy, R.J. Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service. (1999)
- Anaesthesia for a patient injured in a landmine explosion. A case report. van Achterbergh, S.M. S. Afr. Med. J. (1985)
- Otolaryngic health service support in the airland battle. Zajtchuk, J.T. The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. Supplement. (1989)