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Disease relevance of Bradycardia


Psychiatry related information on Bradycardia


High impact information on Bradycardia


Chemical compound and disease context of Bradycardia


Biological context of Bradycardia


Anatomical context of Bradycardia


Gene context of Bradycardia

  • Conduction disorders were associated with LQT2, whereas sinus bradycardia was associated with LQT1 [28].
  • All HR effects were probably mediated by CRF(1) because injection of the CRF(2)-selective agonist mouse urocortin II was ineffective, and the baseline bradycardia by i.c.v. CRF was preserved in CRF(2)-deficient mice [29].
  • While the pressor response to ET-1 was significantly inhibited after i.v. injection of phentolamine, the bradycardia was blocked by pentolinium [30].
  • Treatment with both AVP and oxytocin did not augment baroreflex-mediated bradycardia greater than AVP alone [31].
  • The NPY-induced bradycardia is attributed to not yet characterized NPY receptor subtypes other than Y1, Y2 and Y5, or a complex receptor interaction [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bradycardia


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