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Disease relevance of Tinnitus


Psychiatry related information on Tinnitus


High impact information on Tinnitus

  • The most common adverse effects with atovaquone and azithromycin were diarrhea and rash (each in 8 percent of the subjects); with clindamycin and quinine the most common adverse effects were tinnitus (39 percent), diarrhea (33 percent), and decreased hearing (28 percent) [11].
  • Bismuth subsalicylate use in both dosages was associated with tinnitus at a low, clinically insignificant frequency of 1.2 days per 100 days of treatment [12].
  • We describe the cases of four women who developed a scleroderma-like syndrome during L-tryptophan treatment for insomnia or tinnitus [13].
  • Tinnitus, loss of absolute acoustic sensitivity and alterations of perceived sounds are the three auditory alterations described by human subjects after ingestion of large doses of salicylate [14].
  • Depression, palpitations, and unilateral pulsatile tinnitus due to a dopamine-secreting glomus jugulare tumor [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Tinnitus

  • RESULTS: Symptomatic ototoxicity (tinnitus or hearing loss) confirmed by audiograms was documented in five of 30 patients receiving erythromycin and none of 15 receiving other antibiotics [16].
  • The aspirin-treated subjects had significantly decreased uric acid levels (p = 0.006) and a significantly higher incidence of tinnitus (p = 0.04) compared with the flurbiprofen treatment groups [17].
  • The incidence of tinnitus and deafness was significantly greater with buffered aspirin than with isoxicam, and the number of patients who had at least one episode of dizziness, vertigo, or headache was significantly greater with indomethacin than with isoxicam [18].
  • In this concentration range a significant (p < 0.05) effect of lidocaine on tinnitus was observed [19].
  • The effects of sertraline on severe tinnitus suffering--a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study [6].

Biological context of Tinnitus

  • A large variability in the effects existed because of variations in lidocaine kinetics and because of the presumed psychologic components of tinnitus [19].
  • Using four PGL pedigrees, two of which exhibit coinheritance of PGL and sensorineural hearing loss or tinnitus, analysis of 14 microsatellite markers provided support for linkage to the PGL1 locus [20].
  • This unique mutation site in our patients is likely related to their milder phenotype (lacking tinnitus) compared with those of six previous DFNA6/14 patients with WFS1mutations [21].
  • These two patients presented with asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss and unilateral tinnitus and were found to have completely normal auditory brainstem response [22].
  • Within the limitations of the sample study, our results indicate that the biofeedback method is more effective in comparison with acupuncture and Cinnarizine in the treatment of those suffering from tinnitus [23].

Anatomical context of Tinnitus


Gene context of Tinnitus

  • CONCLUSION: The data suggest that (1) the training offered improved stress-managing capabilities in chronic tinnitus sufferers, and (2) TNF-alpha may be conceived as a stress marker [29].
  • In tinnitus patients, the magnetic wave M200 (corresponding to the electric wave P200, or P2) is delayed and only poorly developed or even completely missing, while the amplitude of the magnetic wave M100 (corresponding to the electric wave N100, or N1) is significally augmented [30].
  • RESULTS: Nortriptyline was superior to placebo by multivariate analysis of covariance for depression (10.6 vs 14.3 final Hamilton Depression score), for tinnitus-related disability (1.8 vs 2.4 final MPI Tinnitus Interference), and tinnitus loudness (13.6 vs 20.0 dB final loudness match [in worst ear at tinnitus frequency]) [31].
  • Associated symptoms, including tinnitus and vertigo, and subdural fluid collections are presumably from hydrostatic changes among intracranial fluid compartments that occur at low CSF pressures [32].
  • Therapeutic agents are most useful in cases of infections, endolymphatic hydrops, vascular insufficiency, vertigo of peripheral origin, autoimmune disease, otosclerosis (otospongiosis), sudden hearing loss and tinnitus [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tinnitus


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