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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cholera toxin treatment of vascular smooth muscle cells decreases smooth muscle alpha-actin content and abolishes the platelet-derived growth factor-BB-stimulated DNA synthesis.

The second messenger cyclic AMP regulates diverse biological processes such as cell morphology and cell growth. We examined the role of the second messenger cyclic AMP on rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) morphology and the intracellular transduction pathway mediated by platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor (PDGF-Rbeta). The effect of PDGF-BB on VSMCs growth was assessed by [(3)H]-thymidine incorporation. Tyrosine phosphorylation of PDGF-Rbeta, PLC-gamma1, ERK1 and ERK2, p125(FAK) and paxillin as well as Sm alpha-actin was examined by the chemiluminescence Western blotting method. Actin mRNA level was quantitated by Northern blotting. Visualization of Sm alpha-actin filaments, paxillin and PDGF-Rbeta was performed by immunfluorescence microscopy. Cholera toxin (CTX; 10 nM) treatment lead to a large and sustained increase in the cyclic AMP concentration after 2 h which correlated with change of VSMC morphology including complete disruption of the Sm alpha-actin filament array and loss of focal adhesions. Treatment of VSMCs with CTX did not influence tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(FAK) and paxillin but decreased the content of a Sm alpha-actin protein. Maximal decrease of 70% was observed after 24 h of treatment. CTX also caused a 90% decrease of the actin mRNA level. CTX treatment completely abolished PDGF-BB stimulated DNA-synthesis although PDGF-Rbeta level and subcellular distribution and translocation was not altered. Furthermore CTX attenuated the PDGF-BB-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the PDGF-Rbeta, PI 3'-K, PLC-gamma1 and ERK1/2 indicating an action of cyclic AMP on PDGF-beta receptor. We conclude that although cyclic AMP attenuates the PDGF-Rbeta mediated intracellular transduction pathway, an intact actin filament may be required for the PDGF-BB-induced DNA synthesis in VSMCs.[1]


  1. Cholera toxin treatment of vascular smooth muscle cells decreases smooth muscle alpha-actin content and abolishes the platelet-derived growth factor-BB-stimulated DNA synthesis. Sachinidis, A., Seul, C., Gouni-Berthold, I., Seewald, S., Ko, Y., Vetter, H., Fingerle, J., Hoppe, J. Br. J. Pharmacol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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