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Gene Review

Pxn  -  paxillin

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Paxillin
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Disease relevance of Pxn


High impact information on Pxn


Biological context of Pxn


Anatomical context of Pxn


Associations of Pxn with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Pxn

  • Whereas previous studies have shown that Crk SH2 binding to paxillin is critical for cell adhesion and migration, our data show that the phosphorylation cycle of c-Crk II determines its dynamic interaction with paxillin, thereby regulating turnover of multiprotein complexes, a critical aspect of cytoskeletal plasticity and actin dynamics [18].
  • Furthermore, immunoprecipitation analysis showed that paxillin forms a heteromeric complex with PLC-gamma1 in cells grown on fibronectin [19].

Enzymatic interactions of Pxn


Regulatory relationships of Pxn


Other interactions of Pxn


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pxn


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