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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Evaluation of alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist on diabetes-induced changes in peripheral nerve function, metabolism, and antioxidative defense.

The role for nerve blood flow (NBF) vs. other factors in motor nerve conduction (MNC) slowing in short-term diabetes was assessed by evaluating alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin on NBF, MNC, as well as metabolic imbalances and oxidative stress in the neural tissue. Control and diabetic rats were treated with or without prazosin (5 for 3 wk). NBF was measured by hydrogen clearance. Both endoneurial vascular conductance and MNC velocity were decreased in diabetic rats vs. controls, and this decrease was prevented by prazosin. Free NAD(+):NADH ratios in mitochondrial cristae, matrix, and cytosol assessed by metabolite indicator method, as well as phosphocreatine levels and phosphocreatine/creatine ratios, were decreased in diabetic rats, and this reduction was ameliorated by prazosin. Neither diabetes-induced accumulation of two major glycation agents, glucose and fructose, as well as sorbitol and total malondialdehyde plus 4-hydroxyalkenals nor depletion of myo-inositol, GSH, and taurine or decrease in (Na/K)-ATP-ase activity were affected by prazosin. In conclusion, decreased NBF, but not metabolic imbalances or oxidative stress in the neural tissue, is a key mechanism of MNC slowing in short-term diabetes. Further experiments are needed to estimate whether preservation of NBF is sufficient for prevention of nerve dysfunction and morphological abnormalities in long-standing diabetes or whether the aforementioned metabolic imbalances closely associated with impaired neurotropism are of greater importance in advanced than in early diabetic neuropathy.[1]


  1. Evaluation of alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist on diabetes-induced changes in peripheral nerve function, metabolism, and antioxidative defense. Obrosova, I.G., Van Huysen, C., Fathallah, L., Cao, X., Stevens, M.J., Greene, D.A. FASEB J. (2000) [Pubmed]
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