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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Regulatory analysis of the mouse Fgf3 gene: control of embryonic expression patterns and dependence upon sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling.

Fgf3 displays a dynamic and complex expression pattern during mouse embryogenesis. To address the molecular mechanisms underlying Fgf3 expression, we used a transgenic approach to assay genomic regions from the mouse Fgf3 gene for regulatory activity. We identified an enhancer that mediates major components of embryonic expression, governing expression in the midbrain, hindbrain, surface ectoderm, dorsal roots and dorsal root ganglia (DRG), proximal sensory ganglia, and the developing central nervous system (CNS). Deletional analysis of the enhancer further delimited this regulatory activity to a 5.7-kb fragment. We have also revealed sonic hedgehog (Shh) -dependent and Shh-independent aspects of Fgf3 expression through breeding the Fgf3 reporter transgene into Shh mutants. In the absence of Shh signalling, Fgf3 reporter expression is lost in the ventral CNS, DRG, and superior cervical nerves, whereas activation of reporter expression in cranial ganglion cells is Shh independent. Moreover, detailed re-examination of the Shh phenotype revealed that Shh signalling is required for the correct development/maturation of the DRG.[1]


  1. Regulatory analysis of the mouse Fgf3 gene: control of embryonic expression patterns and dependence upon sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling. Powles, N., Marshall, H., Economou, A., Chiang, C., Murakami, A., Dickson, C., Krumlauf, R., Maconochie, M. Dev. Dyn. (2004) [Pubmed]
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