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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Clinical discriminators of lobar and deep hemorrhages: the Stroke Data Bank.

Of the 1,805 patients with acute stroke enrolled in the Stroke Data Bank, 237 had parenchymatous hemorrhage. After excluding 34 secondary intracerebral and 31 infratentorial hemorrhage patients, a logistic regression analysis of the 172 patients with primary supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) elucidated clinical factors that distinguished the 65 patients with lobar hemorrhage (LH) from the 107 patients with deep hemorrhage (DH) located in the basal ganglia and thalamus. In LH, severe headache was more common than in DH, while hypertension and motor deficit were significantly less common. Patients with either LH or DH had a similar prognosis and mean Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores, despite the hematoma volume measured on the initial CT being significantly greater for LH than DH. The presence of intraventricular extension (IVH) was more frequent in DH. The frequency of IVH increased with hematoma volume in LH, but remained constant for DH. Two CT variables (IVH and hematoma volume) that differed in these two hemorrhage groups were important predictors of coma (GCS less than or equal to 8) in a logistic regression model. Differences in the frequency of IVH may help explain why the degree of impairment in consciousness was similar in the two groups. Among patients with supratentorial ICH, location of the hematoma is related to both volume and IVH, which are important determinants of the level of consciousness.[1]


  1. Clinical discriminators of lobar and deep hemorrhages: the Stroke Data Bank. Massaro, A.R., Sacco, R.L., Mohr, J.P., Foulkes, M.A., Tatemichi, T.K., Price, T.R., Hier, D.B., Wolf, P.A. Neurology (1991) [Pubmed]
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