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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Vascular permeability to lanthanum in the rat incisor pulp. Comparison with endoneurial vessels in the inferior alveolar nerve.

Experiments were performed to compare the permeability of capillaries supplying the endoneurial environment, which is invested by perineurium, with vascular permeability in the pulp where perineurium is absent. Anaesthetised rats were perfused through the aorta with physiological solutions containing lanthanum nitrate at 37 degrees C. Pieces of inferior alveolar nerve and segments of mandibular incisors were immersion-fixed and transverse sections were examined electron microscopically for the distribution of lanthanum. In the pulp the nerve fibres pass between lanthanum-impermeable arterioles and venules en route to the incisal end. In the peripheral pulp a few capillaries were permeable but the most permeable capillaries lay between the odontoblasts. Pulpal capillary permeability was attributed to the fenestrated endothelium and contrasted with the unfenestrated endoneurial capillaries which were impermeable to lanthanum. Whereas the tight junctions of endoneurial capillaries are known to prevent certain blood-borne substances from entering the endoneurium, it was not clear whether the permeability of the pulpal capillaries, which are distant from the nerve fibres, could affect the nerve fibre environment. No extravasated lanthanum reached the pulpal nerve fibres suggesting that they are not affected. Technically it was not possible to examine the incisal third of the tooth where the situation could be different because the volume of the pulp decreases and capillaries lie closer to the nerve fibres.[1]


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