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Risk factors for chronic venous insufficiency: a dual case-control study.

PURPOSE: Most epidemiologic studies on chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) are cross-sectional surveys that suggest potential risk factors by describing their population. However, these relationships could be due to the CVI population's older age. We performed a dual case-control study with multivariate analysis to address this issue. METHODS: Ninety-three patients with venous ulcers, 129 patients with varicose veins ( VV), and 113 general population control patients from two hospitals were interviewed by use of a standardized questionnaire covering medical history, patient demographics, medications, and lifestyle questions. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to compare the groups. RESULTS: Univariate analyses showed CVI to be characterized by several factors, many of which were found to be age related after multivariate analysis. Age-adjusted relationships for CVI include male sex and obesity. Histories of serious leg injury or phlebitis were important associations resulting in a 2.4-fold and 25.7-fold increase in risk for CVI, respectively. After adjusting for age, subjects with VV tend to be younger and female, to more frequently have a history of phlebitis, and to report a family history of VV more frequently than control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Many of the previously suggested associations found with CVI are in reality due to this population's greater age. Patients with CVI are older, male, obese, have a history of phlebitis, and have a history of serious leg injury. These results suggest that a prior deep vein thrombosis, either clinical or subclinical, may be a predisposing factor for CVI.[1]


  1. Risk factors for chronic venous insufficiency: a dual case-control study. Scott, T.E., LaMorte, W.W., Gorin, D.R., Menzoian, J.O. J. Vasc. Surg. (1995) [Pubmed]
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