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Disease relevance of Phlebitis


Psychiatry related information on Phlebitis


High impact information on Phlebitis


Chemical compound and disease context of Phlebitis

  • Disposition of bisantrene in humans and rabbits: evidence for intravascular deposition of drug as a cause of phlebitis [13].
  • Phlebitis occurred at the site of infusion when the dose of dipyridamole exceeded 13.5 mg/kg/72 h [14].
  • Adverse effects of cefazolin were carefully monitored: no rash, phlebitis, or emergence of resistant strains was observed [15].
  • In one patient in the cefoxitin-treated group, local phlebitis developed at the infusion site [16].
  • The toxic reactions to acyclovir consist of phlebitis, local irritation, and occasionally, reversible renal dysfunction [17].

Biological context of Phlebitis


Anatomical context of Phlebitis


Gene context of Phlebitis

  • After adjusting for age, subjects with VV tend to be younger and female, to more frequently have a history of phlebitis, and to report a family history of VV more frequently than control subjects [23].
  • Of the total of 21 episodes the SLE was considered to be active in 14, inactive in 6, and variable in a patient with recurring phlebitis [24].
  • The phlebitis rates for lines left in for 72 and 96 hours were not significantly different (3.3% vs 2.6%, p = 1.000) by Fisher's Exact Test and survival analysis [25].
  • Common early complications of EVLP are: local paraesthesia of the treated area in 92 legs (36.5%), ecchymosis and dyschromia in 58 legs (23.0%), superficial burn injury in 12 legs (4.8%), superficial phlebitis in four legs (1.6%), and localized hematoma in two legs (0.8%) at 3 weeks post-operatively [26].
  • RESULTS: Multiple sclerosis (MS) was found in 41 patients of whom 1 had periphlebitis retinae (PR) and 2 had venous sheathing (VS) [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Phlebitis


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