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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

MDM2 gene amplification correlates with ring chromosome in soft tissue tumors.

The human homolog of the murine double minute type 2 gene (MDM2) has been cloned and mapped to 12q13-14. The gene presumably functions as a cellular regulator and mediator of TP53 function. Amplification of the MDM2 gene has recently been observed in soft tissue sarcoma and in osteosarcoma. We studied MDM2 amplification in a series of 94 mesenchymal tumors and found 3-20-fold amplification in 20 tumors: in 10 of 49 malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFH), in 1 of 2 pleomorphic liposarcomas, in 6 of 7 atypical lipomas, and in 3 of 12 typical lipomas. Normal hybridization patterns were detected in all 16 myxoid liposarcomas, in all 3 leiomyosarcomas, and in all 5 leiomyomas studied. The MDM2 amplification correlated with the presence of marker ring chromosomes; of the 10 MFH with MDM2 amplification, 5 had ring chromosomes, compared to 4 of 39 without MDM2 amplification, and all 9 liposomas with MDM2 amplification had ring chromosomes, in 5 of the tumors as the sole karyotypic anomaly. The correlation between ring chromosomes and MDM2 gene amplification indicates that the marker rings of MFH and of atypical lipoma often harbor genetic material derived from chromosome 12.[1]


  1. MDM2 gene amplification correlates with ring chromosome in soft tissue tumors. Nilbert, M., Rydholm, A., Willén, H., Mitelman, F., Mandahl, N. Genes Chromosomes Cancer (1994) [Pubmed]
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