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Liposarcoma, Myxoid

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Disease relevance of Liposarcoma, Myxoid


High impact information on Liposarcoma, Myxoid

  • In human myxoid liposarcoma, a chromosomal rearrangement leads to fusion of the growth-arresting and DNA-damage-inducible transcription factor CHOP (GADD153) to a peptide fragment encoded by the TLS gene [6].
  • The TLS-CHOP oncoprotein, found in the majority of human myxoid liposarcomas, consists of a fusion between the transcription factor CHOP/GADD153 and the N terminus of an RNA-binding protein TLS/FUS [7].
  • However, myxoid liposarcoma DNA samples contained altered restriction fragments detectable with GLI probes that were highly specific and reproducible from case to case [8].
  • Fusion of the EWS and CHOP genes in myxoid liposarcoma [9].
  • Prognostic impact of P53 status, TLS-CHOP fusion transcript structure, and histological grade in myxoid liposarcoma: a molecular and clinicopathologic study of 82 cases [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Liposarcoma, Myxoid

  • As a tumor progression model, we investigated 26 myxoid liposarcomas (11 pure myxoid grade I, 15 myxoid/round cell grade II/III) for the hTERT expression level and compared the results of the new method with former measurements performed in silver-stained polyacrylamide gels [11].
  • Although a tentative diagnosis of poorly differentiated myxoid liposarcoma was made, ultrastructural examination and Oil Red O fat stain failed to demonstrate the evidence of lipoblastic differentiation, except that occasional cells possessed a small number of fine fat droplets [12].
  • Gadolinium-enhanced imaging is important in differentiating myxoid liposarcoma from benign cystic tumors [13].
  • Myxoid liposarcomas had a high water content and contained considerable amounts of free cholesterol and phospholipids [14].
  • The responsiveness to trabectedin in type II myxoid liposarcoma xenografts was as high as in patients [15].

Biological context of Liposarcoma, Myxoid


Anatomical context of Liposarcoma, Myxoid


Gene context of Liposarcoma, Myxoid


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