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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A chondroitin sulfate epitope in mammalian dental pulp and its developmental expression in mouse dental papilla.

The molecular specificity of the dental papilla of a bell-stage tooth was studied by production of dental-papilla-reactive monoclonal antibodies (Mabs). One of the Mabs, designated 7C5, recognized an epitope present in glycosaminoglycan. Several lines of evidence suggested that the 7C5-epitope consists of chondroitin 6-sulfate. The Mab did not react with mouse dental epithelium, but reacted uniformly with mesenchymal tissue in the mandibular process and accumulated in the dental sac and in the papilla of bell-stage tooth germs. The 7C5-staining was lost from the differentiating odontoblasts, while the staining in the molar tooth papilla was accumulated in the subodontoblastic layer. In the developing mouse incisor, the 7C5-epitope was restricted to the lingual-posterior area. The 7C5-epitope was also present in pulpal tissue and predentin of different types of teeth of various mammalian species, including man, sheep, swine, and rat. Collagenase pre-treatment of tissue sections abolished the bulk of the 7C5-reactivity in peridental mesenchyme during embryonic stages while leaving the staining of the dental papilla intact. In newborn and adult teeth, collagenase also impaired the reactivity in the pulp except for the subodontoblastic layer. This suggests the existence of different subpopulations of the 7C5-epitope containing proteoglycans in dental papilla and pulp. A high-molecular-weight proteoglycan, sensitive to chondroitinase ABC but not to heparinase or heparitinase, was immunoprecipitated by 7C5 from extracts of bell-stage mouse tooth germs. We suggest that the evolutionary conservation of chondroitin 6-sulfate in the dental pulp reflects its properties as non-terminally differentiated tissue and perhaps the retention of a potential to differentiate to odontoblasts.[1]


  1. A chondroitin sulfate epitope in mammalian dental pulp and its developmental expression in mouse dental papilla. Nieminen, P., Vainio, S., Jernvall, J., Lukinmaa, P.L., Lehtonen, E., Thesleff, I. J. Dent. Res. (1993) [Pubmed]
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