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Gene Review

Mmp13  -  matrix metallopeptidase 13

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Clg, Collagenase 3, Collagenase-3, MMP-13, Matrix metalloproteinase-13, ...
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Disease relevance of Mmp13


High impact information on Mmp13

  • A pericellular collagenase directs the 3-dimensional development of white adipose tissue [7].
  • Collagenase expression in the lungs of transgenic mice causes pulmonary emphysema [8].
  • This pathology is strikingly similar to the morphological changes observed in human emphysema and therefore implicates interstitial collagenase as a possible etiological agent in the disease process [8].
  • We demonstrate that c-Jun and Jun-B nevertheless differ markedly in their ability to activate AP-1 responsive genes. c-Jun is an efficient activator of the c-jun and collagenase promoters, which contain a single TRE; Jun-B is not [9].
  • In intact cells, the active site of the 16S acetylcholinesterase is protected by a membrane-impermeable inhibitor, and this form of the enzyme can be removed by treatment of the cells with collagenase [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Mmp13


Biological context of Mmp13

  • The severity of the Mmp13- null growth plate phenotype increased until about 5 weeks and completely resolved by 12 weeks of age [16].
  • On the basis of these transcriptional regulation studies, together with the potent proteolytic activity of collagenase 3 on diverse collagenous and noncollagenous bone and cartilage components, we proposed that this enzyme may play a key role in the process of bone formation and remodeling [1].
  • Upregulation of fibrogenic markers, for example, transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1), was also significantly suppressed in livers of MMP-13-deficient mice versus in WT mice [2].
  • In Gadd45beta(-/-) mouse embryos, defective mineralization and decreased bone growth accompanied deficient Mmp-13 and Col10a1 gene expression in the hypertrophic zone [17].
  • During wound healing, MMP-13 and TNFalpha were stimulated to an even higher level, suggesting they are regulated by multiple factors [18].

Anatomical context of Mmp13


Associations of Mmp13 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Mmp13


Enzymatic interactions of Mmp13


Co-localisations of Mmp13


Regulatory relationships of Mmp13


Other interactions of Mmp13

  • Whereas MMP-13 was transiently expressed mainly in the cells clustering in the periportal areas, MMP-9 expression and enzymatic activity were detected over the resolution process in several different kinds of cells located in the portal areas and along the fibrous septa [36].
  • Like in man and rat, the expressions of collagenase I, stromelysin-1, and stromelysin-2 are regulated by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol 13-acetate and by UV irradiation, but not by cAMP [37].
  • The sites of induced collagenase I expression correlate with the sites of Fos-induced long-term cellular alterations in transgenic mice including bone remodeling and T cell development [37].
  • The expression of MMP-13 and DDR-2 protein and the amount of degraded type II collagen were higher in the knee joints of Col9a1(-/-) mice than in their wild-type littermates at the age of 6 months [38].
  • Both AP-1 and Cbfa1-like factors are required for the induction of interstitial collagenase by parathyroid hormone [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mmp13


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