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Chemical Compound Review

Thiocarbonyl     methanidylidynesulfanium

Synonyms: sulfidocarbon, Carbon sulfide, AG-E-95875, CHEBI:30253, CTK2A9799, ...
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Disease relevance of methanidylidynesulfanium

  • Rats were pretreated with 1-methyl-1-phenylbenzoylthiourea (MPBTU), a non-toxic arylthiourea which inhibits the metabolism and toxicity of thiocarbonyl compounds [1].
  • These results can be valuable for the design of new thiocarbonyl-containing drugs against resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by a self-activating mechanism [2].

High impact information on methanidylidynesulfanium

  • Attractive interactions between a thiocarbonyl group and a pyridinium nucleus, and between a carbonyl group and a pyridinium nucleus have been proven by (1)H and (13)C NMR studies, UV-vis spectral analyses, and X-ray crystallographic analyses of nicotinic amides 1 and 3, and pyridinium salts 2 and 4 [3].
  • The potency of 19 warrants further study and suggests that replacement of the amide carbonyl with a thiocarbonyl may be beneficial for increased TNF-alpha inhibitory action [4].
  • Compound 10, a thiocarbonyl-containing compound, decreased the NADPH oxidase activity of the enzyme (EC50 = 190 microM) and shifted the heme iron spin state toward a low-spin configuration, similar to that of L-thiocitrulline [5].
  • The fact that the structure-activity relationship of these two series was quite similar suggests that a common substructure, such as the 1,2,4-triazole ring with a substituted phenyl ring at the 3 position and a thiocarbonyl moiety at the 1 position, could contribute to the activity [6].
  • For one inhibitor, conversion of one of the carbonyl groups on the cyclobut-3-enedione core to a thiocarbonyl group resulted in a 18-fold increase in potency, and yielded a compound with an IC50 value of 15 microM [7].

Biological context of methanidylidynesulfanium


Associations of methanidylidynesulfanium with other chemical compounds


Gene context of methanidylidynesulfanium

  • We conclude that all 2,3-benzodiazepines studied are effective against various models of experimental epilepsy and the presence of thiocarbonyl groups at the C-4 position of heptatomic ring is able to increase the anticonvulsant effect of these compounds [10].
  • The thiocarbonyl complex [Ru(CPh = CHPh)Cl(CS)(PPh(3))(2)] reacted with HMI and NaOMe without migration to yield [Ru(CPh= CHPh)(kappa(2)-MI)(CS)(PPh(3))(2)], while treatment of [Ru(CH=CHPh)Cl(CO)(2)(PPh(3))(2)] with HMI yielded the monodentate acyl product [Ru{eta(1)-C(=O)CH=CHPh}(kappa(2)-MI)(CO)(PPh(3))(2)] [11].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of methanidylidynesulfanium

  • Circular dichroism data of the ribozymes containing (4S)U+2 and (2S)U+2, as well as the susceptibility of the thiocarbonyl group to hydrogen peroxide, suggest that a conformational change of U+2 occurs during the domain docking in the cleavage reaction [12].


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