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Chemical Compound Review

PubChem4589     2-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethanamine

Synonyms: SureCN4634, CHEMBL101036, AG-F-95594, ACMC-209lpk, ANW-32406, ...
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Disease relevance of USAF EL-52


High impact information on USAF EL-52


Chemical compound and disease context of USAF EL-52


Biological context of USAF EL-52


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of USAF EL-52

  • 6 The differences between the effects of intravenous infusion and the iontophoretic application of PMPEA upon motoneurones is most easily explained by inhibition of interneurones and a concomitant disinhibition of motoneurones [3].


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