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Gene Review

Amhr2  -  anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AMH type II receptor, Anti-Muellerian hormone type II receptor, Anti-Muellerian hormone type-2 receptor, MIS TypeII receptor, MIS type II receptor, ...
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Disease relevance of Amhr2

  • Female mice chimeric for expression of the simian virus 40 TAg under control of the MISIIR promoter develop epithelial ovarian cancer [1].
  • Here, we describe the production of recombinant human MISIIR extracellular domain-human immunoglobulin Fc domain fusion proteins and their use as targets for the selection of MISIIR-specific human single-chain variable fragments (scFv) molecules from a human nonimmune scFv phage display library [2].
  • Loss of MIS signalling, by mutation of MIS or MISRII, leads to the differentiation of female reproductive organs in males that can cause cryptorchidism and infertility [3].

High impact information on Amhr2


Biological context of Amhr2

  • The binding kinetics of the resulting anti-MISIIR scFv clones were characterized and two were employed as the basis for the construction of bivalent scFv:Fc antibody-based molecules [2].

Anatomical context of Amhr2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Amhr2


  1. Female mice chimeric for expression of the simian virus 40 TAg under control of the MISIIR promoter develop epithelial ovarian cancer. Connolly, D.C., Bao, R., Nikitin, A.Y., Stephens, K.C., Poole, T.W., Hua, X., Harris, S.S., Vanderhyden, B.C., Hamilton, T.C. Cancer Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Development of engineered antibodies specific for the Müllerian inhibiting substance type II receptor: a promising candidate for targeted therapy of ovarian cancer. Yuan, Q.A., Simmons, H.H., Robinson, M.K., Russeva, M., Marasco, W.A., Adams, G.P. Mol. Cancer Ther. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Genetic studies of MIS signalling in sexual development. Jamin, S.P., Arango, N.A., Mishina, Y., Behringer, R.R. Novartis Found. Symp. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Müllerian inhibiting substance regulates its receptor/SMAD signaling and causes mesenchymal transition of the coelomic epithelial cells early in Müllerian duct regression. Zhan, Y., Fujino, A., MacLaughlin, D.T., Manganaro, T.F., Szotek, P.P., Arango, N.A., Teixeira, J., Donahoe, P.K. Development (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. Cell-specific knockout of steroidogenic factor 1 reveals its essential roles in gonadal function. Jeyasuria, P., Ikeda, Y., Jamin, S.P., Zhao, L., De Rooij, D.G., Themmen, A.P., Behringer, R.R., Parker, K.L. Mol. Endocrinol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  6. Müllerian inhibiting substance signaling uses a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-like pathway mediated by ALK2 and induces SMAD6 expression. Clarke, T.R., Hoshiya, Y., Yi, S.E., Liu, X., Lyons, K.M., Donahoe, P.K. Mol. Endocrinol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  7. The gene encoding anti-müllerian hormone type 2 receptor maps to mouse chromosome 15. Kunieda, T., Ojika, I., Katoh, H. Mamm. Genome (1998) [Pubmed]
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