Gene Review:
SCRG1 - stimulator of chondrogenesis 1
Homo sapiens
SCRG-1, ScRG-1, Scrapie-responsive gene 1 protein, Scrapie-responsive protein 1, UNQ390/PRO725
- SCRG1, a Potential Marker of Autophagy in Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. Dron, M., Bailly, Y., Beringue, V., Haeberlé, A.M., Griffond, B., Risold, P.Y., Tovey, M.G., Laude, H., Dandoy-Dron, F. Autophagy. (2006)
- Gene expression in scrapie. Cloning of a new scrapie-responsive gene and the identification of increased levels of seven other mRNA transcripts. Dandoy-Dron, F., Guillo, F., Benboudjema, L., Deslys, J.P., Lasmézas, C., Dormont, D., Tovey, M.G., Dron, M. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Characterization of the human analogue of a Scrapie-responsive gene. Dron, M., Dandoy-Dron, F., Guillo, F., Benboudjema, L., Hauw, J.J., Lebon, P., Dormont, D., Tovey, M.G. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Genome scans and gene expression microarrays converge to identify gene regulatory loci relevant in schizophrenia. Vawter, M.P., Atz, M.E., Rollins, B.L., Cooper-Casey, K.M., Shao, L., Byerley, W.F. Hum. Genet. (2006)
- Mouse scrapie responsive gene 1 (Scrg1): genomic organization, physical linkage to sap30, genetic mapping on chromosome 8, and expression in neuronal primary cell cultures. Dron, M., Tartare, X., Guillo, F., Haik, S., Barbin, G., Maury, C., Tovey, M., Dandoy-Dron, F. Genomics (2000)
- A predominantly articular cartilage-associated gene, SCRG1, is induced by glucocorticoid and stimulates chondrogenesis in vitro. Ochi, K., Derfoul, A., Tuan, R.S. Osteoarthr. Cartil. (2006)
- Novel SCRG1/BST1 axis regulates self-renewal, migration, and osteogenic differentiation potential in mesenchymal stem cells. Aomatsu, E., Takahashi, N., Sawada, S., Okubo, N., Hasegawa, T., Taira, M., Miura, H., Ishisaki, A., Chosa, N. Sci. Rep. (2014)