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Gene Review

mek-1  -  Protein MEK-1

Caenorhabditis elegans

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Disease relevance of mek-1


High impact information on mek-1

  • jkk-1 and mek-1 regulate body movement coordination and response to heavy metals through jnk-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans [1].
  • While jkk-1 or mek-1 inactivation mimicked jnk-1(gk7) locomotion and heavy metal stress defects, respectively, mkk-4 inactivation did not, but rather yielded defective egg laying [1].
  • Double mutants of mek-1 with an eat-5, eat-11 or eat-18 mutation, which are characterized by a limited feeding defect, showed distinct growth defects under normal conditions [2].
  • A mek-1 deletion mutant is hypersensitive to copper and cadmium ions and to starvation [2].
  • These results suggest a role for mek-1 in stress responses, with a focus in the pharynx and/or intestine [2].

Biological context of mek-1


Other interactions of mek-1

  • We identified the Caenorhabditis elegans mek-1 gene, which encodes a 347 amino acid protein highly homologous to mammalian MKK7, an activator of JNK [2].


  1. jkk-1 and mek-1 regulate body movement coordination and response to heavy metals through jnk-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Villanueva, A., Lozano, J., Morales, A., Lin, X., Deng, X., Hengartner, M.O., Kolesnick, R.N. EMBO J. (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. A Caenorhabditis elegans MAP kinase kinase, MEK-1, is involved in stress responses. Koga, M., Zwaal, R., Guan, K.L., Avery, L., Ohshima, Y. EMBO J. (2000) [Pubmed]
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