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Gene Review

Prkg1  -  protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AW125416, CGKI, Gm19690, Prkg1b, Prkgr1a, ...
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High impact information on Prkg1

  • However, cGKIbeta did not translocate to the nucleus upon activation by 8-bromo-cyclic GMP [1].
  • Replacement of an autophosphorylated serine (Ser79) of cGKIbeta with an aspartic acid resulted in a mutant kinase with constitutive kinase activity in vitro and in vivo [1].
  • The CGKII protein shows highest homology to the catalytic (66% amino acid identity) and regulatory domains (45% identity) of bovine and human CGKI [2].
  • The first class (CGKI) of amplification products contained approximately 1.0 kilobase (kb) of DNA sequence between the oligonucleotide primers, and this sequence showed a high degree of homology (90% identity) with the known bovine and human type I cDNA sequences for cGMP-dependent protein kinase [2].
  • Northern blot analysis showed that CGKI transcripts of 8.5 kb were abundant in brain and lung, whereas a 7-kb transcript could be detected in testis [2].

Biological context of Prkg1

  • The defective Ca(2+) regulation in cGKI-knockout cells could be rescued by transfection of a fusion construct consisting of cGKIalpha and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) but not by a cGKIbeta-EGFP construct [3].

Anatomical context of Prkg1


Associations of Prkg1 with chemical compounds

  • The NO donor diethylamine NONOate (DEA-NO) and the membrane-permeable cGMP analogue 8-bromo-cGMP inhibited noradrenaline-induced Ca(2+) transients in wild-type VSMCs but not in VSMCs genetically deficient for both cGKIalpha and cGKIbeta [3].
  • Experiments with a fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based construct harboring the cGMP binding sites of cGKI suggested that binding of Rp-PET induces a conformational change similar to the agonist cGMP [6].


  1. Cyclic AMP- and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases differ in their regulation of cyclic AMP response element-dependent gene transcription. Collins, S.P., Uhler, M.D. J. Biol. Chem. (1999) [Pubmed]
  2. Cloning and expression of a novel cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase from mouse brain. Uhler, M.D. J. Biol. Chem. (1993) [Pubmed]
  3. Functional reconstitution of vascular smooth muscle cells with cGMP-dependent protein kinase I isoforms. Feil, R., Gappa, N., Rutz, M., Schlossmann, J., Rose, C.R., Konnerth, A., Brummer, S., Kühbandner, S., Hofmann, F. Circ. Res. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Distribution of IRAG and cGKI-isoforms in murine tissues. Geiselhöringer, A., Gaisa, M., Hofmann, F., Schlossmann, J. FEBS Lett. (2004) [Pubmed]
  5. Distribution of cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I and its isoforms in the mouse brain and retina. Feil, S., Zimmermann, P., Knorn, A., Brummer, S., Schlossmann, J., Hofmann, F., Feil, R. Neuroscience (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. The commonly used cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (cGKI) inhibitor Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS can activate cGKI in vitro and in intact cells. Valtcheva, N., Nestorov, P., Beck, A., Russwurm, M., Hillenbrand, M., Weinmeister, P., Feil, R. J. Biol. Chem. (2009) [Pubmed]
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