Gene Review:
Rhd - Rh blood group, D antigen
Mus musculus
Blood group Rh(D) polypeptide, Erythrocyte membrane glycoprotein Rh30, Rh, Rh30, Rhced, ...
- Evolutionary conservation and diversification of Rh family genes and proteins. Huang, C.H., Peng, J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- A band 3-based macrocomplex of integral and peripheral proteins in the RBC membrane. Bruce, L.J., Beckmann, R., Ribeiro, M.L., Peters, L.L., Chasis, J.A., Delaunay, J., Mohandas, N., Anstee, D.J., Tanner, M.J. Blood (2003)
- RhBG and RhCG, the putative ammonia transporters, are expressed in the same cells in the distal nephron. Quentin, F., Eladari, D., Cheval, L., Lopez, C., Goossens, D., Colin, Y., Cartron, J.P., Paillard, M., Chambrey, R. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2003)
- The mouse Rhl1 and Rhag genes: sequence, organization, expression, and chromosomal mapping. Liu, Z., Huang, C.H. Biochem. Genet. (1999)
- Entire sequence of a mouse chromosomal segment containing the gene Rhced and a comparative analysis of the homologous human sequence. Kumada, M., Iwamoto, S., Kamesaki, T., Okuda, H., Kajii, E. Gene (2002)
- Evolutionary history of the Rh blood group-related genes in vertebrates. Kitano, T., Saitou, N. Immunogenetics (2000)
- Molecular cloning and expression profiling of optineurin in the rhesus monkey. Rezaie, T., Waitzman, D.M., Seeman, J.L., Kaufman, P.L., Sarfarazi, M. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2005)
- New insights into the Rh superfamily of genes and proteins in erythroid cells and nonerythroid tissues. Huang, C.H., Liu, P.Z. Blood Cells Mol. Dis. (2001)
- Characterization of the mouse Rh blood group gene. Westhoff, C.M., Schultze, A., From, A., Wylie, D.E., Silberstein, L.E. Genomics (1999)
- Expression of the Rh-related glycoprotein (Rh50). Suyama, K., Lunn, R., Smith, B.L., Haller, S. Acta Haematol. (1998)