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Gene Review

Tcf3  -  transcription factor 3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: A1, AA408400, ALF2, AW209082, Alf2, ...
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Disease relevance of Tcfe2a


Psychiatry related information on Tcfe2a

  • MyoD activity was also inhibited by Id, a HLH protein, and this inhibition was reversed by the addition of excess E12 or MITF-2A [6].

High impact information on Tcfe2a


Chemical compound and disease context of Tcfe2a

  • A fusion construct composed of E2A and the Escherichia coli DNA adenosine methyltransferase (E47Dam) was subcloned in lentivirus vectors and used to transduce precursor B-cell and myeloid progenitor cell lines [11].
  • The chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene under the control of the late E2A promoter of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) was introduced as transgene into the B6D2F1 mouse strain with mixed genetic background and became extensively de novo methylated [12].
  • There was also a transient twofold increase in mrf4 transcripts by dexamethasone treatment in dividing cells, while no changes were detected in the levels of Id, E12, or TnC messages [13].
  • Diallyl sulfide (DAS), an inhibitor of CYP2E1, also protected against the cisplatin toxicity in the E47 cells [14].
  • The early expression of voltage-activated chloride channels of large unitary conductance (450 pS in symmetrical 140 mM KCl) was demonstrated using patch-clamp techniques in two preparations: (i) neural crest cells isolated from 9-day-old (E9) mouse embryos and (ii) acutely isolated dorsal root ganglion cells isolated from E12 mouse embryos [15].

Biological context of Tcfe2a


Anatomical context of Tcfe2a


Associations of Tcfe2a with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Tcfe2a

  • Interaction assays in yeast and in vitro demonstrate that MATH4A interacts efficiently with both MASH1 and the ubiquitous bHLH protein E12 [27].
  • However, stimuli that mimic pre-T cell receptor (TCR) signaling in committed T cell precursors inhibit E47 DNA-binding activity and induce the bHLH inhibitor Id3 through a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase-dependent pathway [21].
  • Retroviral transduction of Id3 also repressed the SRG3 expression by inhibiting the E box binding activity of the E2A/HEB complex [28].
  • The age-related decrease in E47 DNA-binding does not depend on increased Id inhibitory proteins in bone marrow-derived B cell precursors [29].
  • Gel mobility shift assays demonstrate that Twist can bind to the muscle creatine kinase E-box and inhibit DNA binding of heterodimers of E12 with myogenic bHLH transcription factors like MyoD [30].

Enzymatic interactions of Tcfe2a


Regulatory relationships of Tcfe2a

  • The capacity to respond to SCF may influence the levels of E2A during B-cell development [23].
  • Conversely, knocking down CHIP with small interfering RNA alleviates Notch-induced E47 degradation [32].
  • We next investigated the signal transduction pathways controlling E2A mRNA expression and stability and found that p38 MAPK regulates E2A mRNA expression through increased mRNA stability and is down-regulated in aged activated B cells [33].
  • Transcriptional repression by Fos and Jun is specific to myogenic HLH proteins and is not observed with the widely expressed HLH protein E47, which recognizes the same DNA sequence [34].
  • These observations support a model in which the upregulation of pre-TCR signalling seems to be the prerequi-site for Notch3-induced inhibition of E2A, thus leading to the development of lymphoma in Notch3 transgenic mice [35].

Other interactions of Tcfe2a

  • These data suggest a molecular basis for the hierarchical dependence of Pax5 function on EBF and E2A in B lymphocyte development [36].
  • EBF and the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor E47 each contributed to epigenetic modifications of the mb-1 promoter, including CpG demethylation and nucleosomal remodeling [36].
  • These findings identify a novel pro-myogenic role of p38 in regulating the formation of functional MyoD/E47 heterodimers that are essential for myogenesis [37].
  • When E47 lacking the HLH domain was overexpressed, Id could no longer reverse growth inhibition [19].
  • IL-7Ralpha and E47: independent pathways required for development of multipotent lymphoid progenitors [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tcfe2a

  • We have now generated E2A (-/-) mice by gene targeting [10].
  • Identification of E2A target genes in B lymphocyte development by using a gene tagging-based chromatin immunoprecipitation system [39].
  • To further understand the mechanism underlying E2A ubiquitination and degradation, we conducted a yeast two-hybrid screen and identified the carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) as an E47 binding protein [32].
  • We also obtained evidence for extensive collaborative actions of EBF and E47 even though microarray analysis of hematopoetic progenitor cells ectopically expressing these proteins suggested that they activated only a subset of pre-B cell restricted genes [40].
  • From titrations of MyoD-dansyl with E12 at 100 mM KCl, a free energy of heterodimerization of 8.7 (+0.4/-2.4) kcal/mol was recovered using rigorous confidence limit testing [41].


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