MeSH Review:
Somatosensory Cortex
- Sensorimotor retuning [corrected] in complex regional pain syndrome parallels pain reduction. Pleger, B., Tegenthoff, M., Ragert, P., Förster, A.F., Dinse, H.R., Schwenkreis, P., Nicolas, V., Maier, C. Ann. Neurol. (2005)
- Prolonged transient ischemia results in impaired CBF recovery and secondary glutamate accumulation in cats. Taguchi, J., Graf, R., Rosner, G., Heiss, W.D. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (1996)
- Angiotensin II attenuates functional hyperemia in the mouse somatosensory cortex. Kazama, K., Wang, G., Frys, K., Anrather, J., Iadecola, C. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (2003)
- Alpha 1-adrenoceptor blockade increases behavioral deficits in traumatic brain injury. Dunn-Meynell, A.A., Yarlagadda, Y., Levin, B.E. J. Neurotrauma (1997)
- Regionally selective stimulation of mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase tyrosine phosphorylation after generalized seizures in the rat brain. Gass, P., Kiessling, M., Bading, H. Neurosci. Lett. (1993)
- Lack of barrels in the somatosensory cortex of monoamine oxidase A-deficient mice: role of a serotonin excess during the critical period. Cases, O., Vitalis, T., Seif, I., De Maeyer, E., Sotelo, C., Gaspar, P. Neuron (1996)
- Metabolic mapping of functional activity in rat brain and pituitary after water deprivation. Duncan, G.E., Oglesby, S.A., Greenwood, R.S., Meeker, R.B., Hayward, J.N., Stumpf, W.E. Neuroendocrinology (1989)
- Functional preservation of benzodiazepine receptors of the primary somatosensory cortex in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a pharmacologic-evoked potential study. Aguglia, U., Oliveri, R.L., Gambardella, A., Talerico, G., Zappia, M., De Sarro, G.B., Quattrone, A. Clinical neuropharmacology. (1996)
- Effect of prenatal exposure to ethanol on the ultrastructure of layer V of mature rat somatosensory cortex. al-Rabiai, S., Miller, M.W. J. Neurocytol. (1989)
- Tactile discrimination learning in the monkey: the effects of unilateral or bilateral removals of the second somatosensory cortex (area SII). Garcha, H.S., Ettlinger, G. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. (1980)
- Cortex-restricted disruption of NMDAR1 impairs neuronal patterns in the barrel cortex. Iwasato, T., Datwani, A., Wolf, A.M., Nishiyama, H., Taguchi, Y., Tonegawa, S., Knöpfel, T., Erzurumlu, R.S., Itohara, S. Nature (2000)
- RAPID and opposite effects of BDNF and NGF on the functional organization of the adult cortex in vivo. Prakash, N., Cohen-Cory, S., Frostig, R.D. Nature (1996)
- Aggressive behavior and altered amounts of brain serotonin and norepinephrine in mice lacking MAOA. Cases, O., Seif, I., Grimsby, J., Gaspar, P., Chen, K., Pournin, S., Müller, U., Aguet, M., Babinet, C., Shih, J.C. Science (1995)
- Parvalbumin in most gamma-aminobutyric acid-containing neurons of the rat cerebral cortex. Celio, M.R. Science (1986)
- New evidence for neurotransmitter influences on brain development. Levitt, P., Harvey, J.A., Friedman, E., Simansky, K., Murphy, E.H. Trends Neurosci. (1997)
- Regulation of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the developing rat somatosensory cortex by thalamocortical afferents. Broide, R.S., Robertson, R.T., Leslie, F.M. J. Neurosci. (1996)
- Upregulation of BDNF mRNA expression in the barrel cortex of adult mice after sensory stimulation. Rocamora, N., Welker, E., Pascual, M., Soriano, E. J. Neurosci. (1996)
- Timing and spatial distribution of somatosensory responses recorded in the upper bank of the sylvian fissure (SII area) in humans. Frot, M., Mauguière, F. Cereb. Cortex (1999)
- Recovery of evoked potentials, metabolic activity and behavior in a mouse model of somatosensory cortex lesion: role of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). Troncoso, E., Muller, D., Korodi, K., Steimer, T., Welker, E., Kiss, J.Z. Cereb. Cortex (2004)
- Tactile sensory input regulates basal and apomorphine-induced immediate-early gene expression in rat barrel cortex. Steiner, H., Gerfen, C.R. J. Comp. Neurol. (1994)
- Close homolog of L1 modulates area-specific neuronal positioning and dendrite orientation in the cerebral cortex. Demyanenko, G.P., Schachner, M., Anton, E., Schmid, R., Feng, G., Sanes, J., Maness, P.F. Neuron (2004)
- Short-term synaptic enhancement and long-term potentiation in neocortex. Castro-Alamancos, M.A., Connors, B.W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996)
- Neurotrophic immunophilin ligands stimulate structural and functional recovery in neurodegenerative animal models. Steiner, J.P., Hamilton, G.S., Ross, D.T., Valentine, H.L., Guo, H., Connolly, M.A., Liang, S., Ramsey, C., Li, J.H., Huang, W., Howorth, P., Soni, R., Fuller, M., Sauer, H., Nowotnik, A.C., Suzdak, P.D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1997)
- The impact of basal forebrain lesions on the ability of rats to perform a sensory discrimination task involving barrel cortex. Jacobs, S.E., Juliano, S.L. J. Neurosci. (1995)
- Calbindin and parvalbumin cells in monkey VPL thalamic nucleus: distribution, laminar cortical projections, and relations to spinothalamic terminations. Rausell, E., Bae, C.S., Viñuela, A., Huntley, G.W., Jones, E.G. J. Neurosci. (1992)
- Cholinergic depletion prevents expansion of topographic maps in somatosensory cortex. Juliano, S.L., Ma, W., Eslin, D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1991)
- Glutamate receptor blockade at cortical synapses disrupts development of thalamocortical and columnar organization in somatosensory cortex. Fox, K., Schlaggar, B.L., Glazewski, S., O'Leary, D.D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996)
- Abeta 1-40-related reduction in functional hyperemia in mouse neocortex during somatosensory activation. Niwa, K., Younkin, L., Ebeling, C., Turner, S.K., Westaway, D., Younkin, S., Ashe, K.H., Carlson, G.A., Iadecola, C. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)
- Intracortical axonal projections of lamina VI cells of the primary somatosensory cortex in the rat: a single-cell labeling study. Zhang, Z.W., Deschênes, M. J. Neurosci. (1997)
- Choreography of early thalamocortical development. Molnár, Z., Higashi, S., López-Bendito, G. Cereb. Cortex (2003)
- Activity-dependent expression of Egr1 mRNA in somatosensory cortex of developing rats. Patra, R.C., Blue, M.E., Johnston, M.V., Bressler, J., Wilson, M.A. J. Neurosci. Res. (2004)
- Morphological organization of somatosensory cortex in Otx1(-/-) mice. Cipelletti, B., Avanzini, G., Vitellaro-Zuccarello, L., Franceschetti, S., Sancini, G., Lavazza, T., Acampora, D., Simeone, A., Spreafico, R., Frassoni, C. Neuroscience (2002)
- TrkB signaling regulates the developmental maturation of the somatosensory cortex. Lush, M.E., Ma, L., Parada, L.F. Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. (2005)
- Interactions between TrkB signaling and serotonin excess in the developing murine somatosensory cortex: a role in tangential and radial organization of thalamocortical axons. Vitalis, T., Cases, O., Gillies, K., Hanoun, N., Hamon, M., Seif, I., Gaspar, P., Kind, P., Price, D.J. J. Neurosci. (2002)
- Metabolic alterations in rat somatosensory cortex following unilateral vibrissal removal. Dietrich, W.D., Ginsberg, M.D., Busto, R., Smith, D.W. J. Neurosci. (1985)
- Spatial-temporal distribution of whisker-evoked activity in rat somatosensory cortex and the coding of stimulus location. Petersen, R.S., Diamond, M.E. J. Neurosci. (2000)
- "Gating" effects of simultaneous peripheral electrical stimulations on human secondary somatosensory cortex: a whole-head MEG study. Torquati, K., Pizzella, V., Della Penna, S., Franciotti, R., Babiloni, C., Romani, G.L., Rossini, P.M. Neuroimage (2003)
- Interaction of tactile input in the human primary and secondary somatosensory cortex--a magnetoencephalographic study. Hoechstetter, K., Rupp, A., Stancák, A., Meinck, H.M., Stippich, C., Berg, P., Scherg, M. Neuroimage (2001)
- Human task-specific somatosensory activation. Ginsberg, M.D., Yoshii, F., Vibulsresth, S., Chang, J.Y., Duara, R., Barker, W.W., Boothe, T.E. Neurology (1987)