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Gene Review

S100A4  -  S100 calcium binding protein A4

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High impact information on S100A4

  • The complete amino acid sequence of bovine Capl was established primarily by Edman degradation of peptides generated by cleavage of methionyl, lysyl, glutamyl, and aspartyl bonds [1].
  • Northern analysis using cloned Capl cDNA revealed that Capl mRNA is present not only in the retina but the choroid as well [1].
  • In addition, the expression of Capl correlates with the induction of the metastatic phenotype in tumor cell lines and the transformation of normal cells by activated oncogenes or chemical carcinogens [1].
  • Since there was a marked difference of S100A4 expression between PDL and gingiva, we propose that S100A4 could be a useful marker for distinguishing cells from these two tissues [2].
  • S100A4 expression was also high in the pulp tissue followed by the dental papilla of the tooth germ [2].

Biological context of S100A4


Anatomical context of S100A4


Other interactions of S100A4

  • Interestingly, only PDLE exhibited a high expression of both S100A4 and S100A2 [2].
  • Similarly, when bovine PDL cells were mechanically stimulated by means of the Flexercell Strain Unit, the expression of S100A4, beta-actin, and alpha-tubulin mRNAs increased over the control levels [4].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of S100A4


  1. Purification and primary structure of Capl, an S-100-related calcium-binding protein isolated from bovine retina. Polans, A.S., Palczewski, K., Asson-Batres, M.A., Ohguro, H., Witkowska, D., Haley, T.L., Baizer, L., Crabb, J.W. J. Biol. Chem. (1994) [Pubmed]
  2. cDNA cloning of S100 calcium-binding proteins from bovine periodontal ligament and their expression in oral tissues. Duarte, W.R., Kasugai, S., Iimura, T., Oida, S., Takenaga, K., Ohya, K., Ishikawa, I. J. Dent. Res. (1998) [Pubmed]
  3. Extracellular role of S100A4 calcium-binding protein in the periodontal ligament. Duarte, W.R., Iimura, T., Takenaga, K., Ohya, K., Ishikawa, I., Kasugai, S. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Effects of mechanical stress on the mRNA expression of S100A4 and cytoskeletal components by periodontal ligament cells. Duarte, W.R., Mikuni-Takagaki, Y., Kawase, T., Limura, T., Oida, S., Ohya, K., Takenaga, K., Ishikawa, L., Kasugai, S. J. Med. Dent. Sci. (1999) [Pubmed]
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