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Disease relevance of Mastication

  • The combined action of unilateral mastication and anabolic steroid use is probably responsible for the rapid development of unilateral masseteric hypertrophy [1].
  • Parafunctional habits (such as bruxism and clenching) are responsible for excessive occlusal wear, fractured teeth, tooth mobility, the periodontal lesion of trauma from occlusion, fractured restorations, myofascial pain involving the muscles of mastication, and painful TMJs [2].
  • It is suggested that the anterior teeth with greater connections to the Mes V and the ganglion may impart greater sensory perception and be involved in jaw reflexes to ensure a good occlusal relation during mastication, while the afferent connections of the molars may initiate complex jaw reflexes during the occlusal phase of mastication [3].

Psychiatry related information on Mastication


High impact information on Mastication

  • We have investigated the potential role of the homeobox-containing gene, Engrailed-2 (En-2), in the mouse, which is specifically expressed in myoblasts in the first arch and maintained in the muscles of mastication in the adult [5].
  • Nimesulide was more effective and more rapid than ketoprofen in ameliorating the painful inflammatory symptoms (pain at rest and upon mastication) and signs (swelling and hyperaemia) associated with the operation [6].
  • ES1 and ES2 elicited by an electrical stimulus of 20 mA lasting 0.2 msec were recorded during maximal voluntary contraction of the mastication muscles before and 30 min after medication [7].
  • Abnormalities of the rate of food consumption, mastication, bolus transfer, respiration, and swallow initiation seem to be responsible for most dysphagic symptoms in HD [8].
  • The number of Fos protein-LI cells was decreased in the rats with hard food mastication followed by soft food [9].

Biological context of Mastication


Anatomical context of Mastication

  • We propose that the incisal masses arose because the pulpal mesenchyme continued to grow and its secretion product, dentine, continued to be deposited (during periods of vitamin A sufficiency) in an ectopic site where functional attrition from mastication could not occur [13].
  • Stage I transport, transport through the oral cavity prior to mastication, has been described for several mammals (Franks et al.: Arch. Oral Biol. 30:539, 1985; Hiiemae and Crompton: Hildebrand et al. (eds.): Functional Vertebrate Morphology, Cambridge, MA, Belknap Press, 1985) [14].
  • Previous studies have localized a central pattern generator for mastication to the midline pontomedullary reticular formation (RF) based on cortically induced ororhythmic movements [15].
  • To examine the effects of BDNF on mastication, jaw movement trajectories and masticatory muscle activities were electrophysiologically investigated in BDNF-deficient mice, compared with those of littermate wild-type mice [16].
  • The conceptual theories outlined in this review include biomedical models related to temporomandibular joints, muscles of mastication and occlusal factors, psychological models and the biopsychosocial models [17].

Associations of Mastication with chemical compounds

  • Experimental studies indicate that the effects of occlusal forces during mastication are quite apparent in alveolar bone, although relatively large strains are also observed in regions well-removed from a loaded alveolus [18].
  • Oral exposure to dietary fat (through modified sham feeding, which entails mastication and expectoration of foods) augments the postprandial triacylglycerol (TAG) concentration, in part, though augmented lipid absorption [19].
  • 1. Mastication was produced by stimulation of the right motor-sensory cortex of urethan-anesthetized rabbits with 15-s trains of shocks (1-ms duration) at 50 Hz [20].
  • Injections of NMDA excited local neurons and when injected into ventral nPontc, it completely blocked mastication [21].
  • Injections of local anesthetic (prilocaine hydrochloride, 4%) into the receptive field of the neuron did not prevent the decrease in excitability during mastication [22].

Gene context of Mastication

  • It is conceivable that the high expression of S100A4 in PDLE is a result of the maturation of the PDL and/or a response to mechanical stress generated by mastication [23].
  • To evaluate the effect of rhBMP-2 in aging individuals, a group of six Macaca animals over 20 years of age received the same type of mandibular resection followed by BMP grafting with functional stimulation by mastication on root form implants placed at 5 months after BMP implantation [24].
  • The involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the pattern generator of mastication [16].
  • Since the PDL is continually subjected to mechanical forces from such orofacial functions as mastication, biting, speech and swallowing, the mechanical stimuli is thought to be associated with the expression of RGD-CAP [25].
  • Furthermore, the op/op mouse has been studied as a "toothless" mouse in recent morphological and physiological investigations of the relationship between mastication and masseter muscle development [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mastication

  • The purpose of this study was to observe the incidence of occlusal contact with complete dentures during mastication using a 6-channel telemetry system whose accuracy had been improved [27].
  • Masticatory function was assessed in terms of the number of teeth present, maximum bite force, occlusal contact area, and mastication score [28].
  • New occlusal surfaces were in most cases used for mastication after a short period of adaptation after rehabilitation [29].
  • The maximal occlusal force or mastication efficiency index of those having fixed implant-supported prostheses in both arches did not differ markedly from those having only a mandibular restoration [30].
  • The appliance offers a similar degree of comfort and aesthetic appeal to that of a fixed bridge, but is specifically designed to reduce the high occlusal loads that normally are applied to the abutment teeth during mastication [31].


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