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TUBA1A  -  tubulin, alpha 1a

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High impact information on LOC404053


Biological context of LOC404053

  • Although recent studies have implicated beta-tubulin as the site of PTX binding, no information is available that relates alpha-tubulin to the binding site [6].
  • Differential assembly kinetics of alpha-tubulin isoforms in the presence of paclitaxel [6].
  • The peptides were modeled after the known, or putative, tyrosine sulfation sites of the cholecystokinin precursor, chromogranin B (secretogranin I) and vitronectin, as well as the tyrosine phosphorylation sites of alpha-tubulin and pp60src [7].
  • Separate alignments of 75 alpha-tubulin, 106 beta-tubulin, and 14 gamma-tubulin sequences and 12 sequences of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ have been employed to predict their secondary structures with the multiple-sequence method PHD [Rost, B., & Sander, C. (1993a) J. Mol. Biol. 232, 584-599] [8].
  • Microtubule configurations and post-translational alpha-tubulin modifications during mammalian spermatogenesis [9].

Anatomical context of LOC404053


Associations of LOC404053 with chemical compounds

  • Tyrosination-detyrosination is one of the major posttranslational modifications in which the C-terminal tyrosine residue in alpha-tubulin is added or removed reversibly [5].
  • Direct photoaffinity labeling of cysteine-295 of alpha-tubulin by guanosine 5'-triphosphate bound in the nonexchangeable site [12].
  • A large cyanogen bromide peptide was recovered, and its further degradation with endoproteinase Glu-C established that cysteine-295 of alpha-tubulin was the major reactive amino acid cross-linked to guanosine by ultraviolet irradiation [12].
  • This domain includes the cysteine residues at positions 295, 305, 315 and 316 on alpha-tubulin; these residues are located well away from the alpha/beta interface where colchicine appears to bind [13].
  • Two photoaffinity analogues of the tripeptide, hemiasterlin, exclusively label alpha-tubulin [14].

Physical interactions of LOC404053

  • Polymers composed of normal alpha-tubulin and cleaved beta-tubulin or of cleaved alpha- and beta-tubulins were stabilized in the presence of added MAP2, myelin basic protein and histone H1 [15].
  • In this study we have used limited proteolysis and cross-linking analysis to localize further the stathmin-binding site on alpha-tubulin [16].

Other interactions of LOC404053


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of LOC404053


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