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Gene Review

RPVgp7  -  L protein

Rinderpest virus (strain Kabete O)

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Disease relevance of RPVgp7

  • In the highly conserved region of the L protein, the HeV sequence GDNE differs from the GDNQ found in almost all other nonsegmented negative-strand (NNS) RNA viruses [1].
  • Measles virus, on the other hand, was not arrested in cells with high levels of recombinant L protein, demonstrating that these cells were still capable of supporting a viral infection [2].
  • The L protein sequence of morbilliviruses is highly conserved, more than 75% of residues being identical or conserved in all three sequences currently available [3].
  • Both the L gene and in particular the predicted L protein of MV bear substantial homology to their counterparts in Sendai virus and Newcastle disease virus, suggesting that the multifunctional nature of paramyxovirus L proteins imposes strong evolutionary constraints [4].
  • Effect of single amino acid mutations in the conserved GDNQ motif of L protein of Rinderpest virus on RNA synthesis in vitro and in vivo [5].

High impact information on RPVgp7

  • A genetic tag, consisting of two nucleotide changes within the coding region of the L protein, has been identified in the rCDV genome [6].
  • The expression of high levels of only the amino-terminal half of the L protein from a recombinant mutant L gene that contains a small out-of-frame deletion in the middle of the L gene did not inhibit a VSV infection [2].
  • When aligned with amino acid sequences of L proteins from other negative-sense RNA viruses, the Sendai L protein contains six regions of good conservation, designated domains I-VI, which have been postulated to be important for the various enzymatic activities of the polymerase [7].
  • An amino-proximal domain of the L protein binds to the P protein in the measles virus RNA polymerase complex [8].
  • When these proteins were coexpressed from plasmids in a mammalian expression system, a complex was formed as detected by the coimmunoprecipitation of the L protein with the P protein by anti-P antibodies [8].

Biological context of RPVgp7


Associations of RPVgp7 with chemical compounds

  • Radioimmunoprecipitation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that in five of the hybrid lines the antibodies were directed against haemagglutinin, in two against the nucleoprotein, and in one against L protein [10].


  1. The exceptionally large genome of Hendra virus: support for creation of a new genus within the family Paramyxoviridae. Wang, L.F., Yu, M., Hansson, E., Pritchard, L.I., Shiell, B., Michalski, W.P., Eaton, B.T. J. Virol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. Homotypic and heterotypic exclusion of vesicular stomatitis virus replication by high levels of recombinant polymerase protein L. Meier, E., Harmison, G.G., Schubert, M. J. Virol. (1987) [Pubmed]
  3. Sequencing and analysis of the nucleocapsid (N) and polymerase (L) genes and the terminal extragenic domains of the vaccine strain of rinderpest virus. Baron, M.D., Barrett, T. J. Gen. Virol. (1995) [Pubmed]
  4. Measles virus L protein evidences elements of ancestral RNA polymerase. Blumberg, B.M., Crowley, J.C., Silverman, J.I., Menonna, J., Cook, S.D., Dowling, P.C. Virology (1988) [Pubmed]
  5. Effect of single amino acid mutations in the conserved GDNQ motif of L protein of Rinderpest virus on RNA synthesis in vitro and in vivo. Chattopadhyay, A., Raha, T., Shaila, M.S. Virus Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
  6. Establishment of a rescue system for canine distemper virus. Gassen, U., Collins, F.M., Duprex, W.P., Rima, B.K. J. Virol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  7. Mutations in conserved domains IV and VI of the large (L) subunit of the sendai virus RNA polymerase give a spectrum of defective RNA synthesis phenotypes. Feller, J.A., Smallwood, S., Horikami, S.M., Moyer, S.A. Virology (2000) [Pubmed]
  8. An amino-proximal domain of the L protein binds to the P protein in the measles virus RNA polymerase complex. Horikami, S.M., Smallwood, S., Bankamp, B., Moyer, S.A. Virology (1994) [Pubmed]
  9. YM-53403, a unique anti-respiratory syncytial virus agent with a novel mechanism of action. Sudo, K., Miyazaki, Y., Kojima, N., Kobayashi, M., Suzuki, H., Shintani, M., Shimizu, Y. Antiviral Res. (2005) [Pubmed]
  10. Monoclonal antibodies against measles virus. Giraudon, P., Wild, T.F. J. Gen. Virol. (1981) [Pubmed]
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